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Destroying Virus: Corona Dictionary Part II | Israel today


When was the droplet infection formed? What is the origin of the lodge? And what medical term comes from an egg mask? • The linguistic arena climbs the walls and tongue

When was the droplet infection formed? What is the origin of the lodge? And what medical term comes from an egg mask? • The linguistic arena says 'no' but means 'yes', like climbing the walls at the end of the road that is a pity on time

  • Corona Dictionary: Part II



The Corona Dictionary does not stop at quarantine. This past week, a new line of expressions, most of them overwhelmingly under the influence of English, was introduced to the discourse, as we are in the global pandemic era.

• Corona Dictionary: Part I

Cellular Tagging. The theme that stirs public opinion: tracking who is supposed to be in isolation, and the people they came in contact with.

'Spelling' and the verb 'Lachen' were created in the military language in the process of creating the Israeli military dictionary. 'Spinning' means determining the place. It is derived from the Aramaic-Talmudic question word 'Eichen', from which the Hebrew word 'where' was derived. It is derived from Auchan as an adjective, but it is not used, and in its place the word 'mechanized' was created in the army.

Droplet paste. Ruti Dagan writes: "You can hear the title of the drop a lot in the context of the corona virus in the phrase 'drop paste'. I am curious to know when it was created, was it in the last month, or was it already in ancient days? And if it was here before the corona, then when?" .

'Droplet infection' is a translation of the English term droplet infection. The word droplet means the shrapnel that comes out of the mouth or nose through a cough or sneeze. The title 'drop' does not appear in dictionaries, but is set in the medical system and there is no reason not to accept it. He seems to be the newest, and has only appeared in recent years in flu prevention guidelines.

Herd immunity. Hebrew term for the English term herd immunity. Herd immunity is an indirect way of spreading infectious disease. It occurs when a large percentage of the population is vaccinated, thus providing safeguards for non-vaccinated people. The thought behind it in the context of the Corona epidemic is that mass interference without interference will eventually create herd immunity, thus exacerbating the epidemic.

Wall climbing. The last recreational sport left to man explained in the days of the Corona and the mass curfew. Source in Yiddish: climb the walls, also English: climb the walls, and in German. Wall climbing is also an accepted sport, but this time it is the four home walls.

applicator. The wonder of wonders to know who is sick in Corona and who just doesn't feel well. "Matosh" appears in the 1939 Language Committee's medical dictionary, as a translation to the applicator, which refers to sticks for a variety of needs, and to the 1991 Academic Dictionary as a swab translation, which focuses on medical sticks. For the sake of novelty, an ancient root, Tosh, and Hashash, meaning "rubbed," was extracted, as it is written in an egg mask: "They are like all the tools in the yard, but there is no knife for them, and there is no tashin for them." Double in the Talmud, and it is actually absorbed in Hebrew: blur.

Closure or closure. When the first rules were applied, 'closure' was meant to limit the stay outside of homes, and also to prevent leaving the country. The term is from the military-security field. 'Closure' has been used for decades in the meaning of closure, and in its wake, the harsher word 'curfew' lurks, which also has military significance. Over time, a partial transition to the more accurate word, closure, referring to the health sphere sounds an alternative to quarantine Hebrew. Other uses of the word refer to the imprisonment of criminals, as well as animal quarantine. And about this, Nathan Alterman said in a "concertina and guitar" chorus about Mrs. Nina, she is Yona Atari: "She worked in Karnatina as a plumber."

Corona rogue. Anyone who refuses to abide by the new rules. Alternate term: insulators.

Corona Patrol. A group of inspectors following the Corona riots (another). Another reminder that we are at war.

No, you're 100 percent right!

The Japanese, as we know, do not use the word 'no', they have more refined ways of expressing refusal. The situation for us Israelis is the opposite: we say 'no' even when we mean 'yes'. "No" has become a regular opening for non-negative sentences, and sometimes they express a clear charge, such as the following phrase quoted from a recorded conversation on the Maddav website by one of the companies: "No, you are 100 percent correct." In other languages, such as Swedish and Russian, but according to cultural researcher Itamar Ibn Zohar the use of 'no' in this way is an independent Israeli development.

An article by Leon Shor recently researching the phenomenon was recently published in the journal "Linguistics Linguistics". Shore examined recorded conversations on the Hebrew-language DPRK website and found 54 sentences where 'no' is not a negative word but what is called a 'discourse marker', a kind of transitional word in the sentence that is not related to the meaning of the sentence, but fulfills various discourse functions. , Quite simply, as a matter of fact, as shown on the site under the title "unnecessary word dictionary".

When, then, do we use 'no' as a discourse marker? In some cases the negation exists, but not in relation to what others say but for the purposes of the conversation. The examples are from the MDP website.

When we resist a certain aspect of other people's words.

- Do you sell a license?

- no no. So. If it's in the course, I sell a unit.

When we reject the possibility that other people's words have a hassle or harassment. Anyone who says 'no' does not reject the other's words but rather presents them as a reasonable possibility.

- So there is foreign produce? Or with cardamom?

- no no. Does not matter. Foreign produce is fine.

When we determine that a particular answer is irrelevant. There is negation here, but not of a sentence that is said as it is, but of its relation to the discussion.

- The most boring course in the world !.

- Oh, three days course.

- No. Leave. The Guide, Allah Yusthur, Anesthesiologist.

That is, the problem is not the length of the course but the guide.

When we determine that others do not understand what they mean.

- I was in El Gaucho.

- God Gaucho must not go.

- No. This is a friend who works with me, one of my employees.

However, in many cases we say 'no' and mean 'yes', and even 'yes' resonates. Thus in the example presented: "No, you are 100 percent correct." The same goes for the following conversation:

- I take great care (hygiene in food).

- no no. You're right.

In this case, the second speaker wants to reinforce the first who is hesitant and fears resistance.

- Some kind of neighbor came out with someone. The way I saw her, I look, something was wrong.

- Yes.

- No. You get it already. ... She has skin disease, very very severe.

Here the 'no' is used for emphasis or empowerment. Shore called it "the expressive function."

And there are also common phrases that begin with "no."

Not really. 'No' emphasizes that the intention is real and clear.

Not just. 'No' reinforces the claim that things were not said seriously.

No, listen.

No, come on.

No, there are no such things.

So what do we say in summary on these crazy days?

No. Corona is serious business. Not really. I mean. No. Really really serious.

Son of a bitch at the end of the road

'No' in the sense of 'yes' also characterizes a series of values ​​in the Israeli slang, where a clearly negative word or phrase has the significance of extreme praise. Partial dictionary.

Ahulmaniuki. Best of all: "Ahulmaniuki Dictionary of Spoken Hebrew" (Dan Ben Amotz and Netivah Ben Yehuda). Ahulmaniuki in Arabic: My fucking brother.

atomic. An expression of praise that has aged, influenced by moves to normalize the attitude of the atomic bomb in American discourse. Thus, immediately after the bombing, in the United States, a drink called "atomic cocktail" or "atomic kiss" was sold, and one of the characters associated with the bombing process was honored by the honorable Mr. Atom.

nothing. Top praise with the utter blank word, short for 'no words', 'no such thing', 'no on you' and more. Sometimes doubling: "My beautiful sisters! There is no patient for you with pure soul blood!" (The site of Rodberg Lake, 2004).

Son of a bitch. A super praise. Also: 'son of a bitch': "a bitch of a story, a bitch of a writer, a beauty of writing."

Guadeloupe. An ultra-orthodox word of praise, based on the hysterical word 'wald!'

Kills. Deadly word of praise.

Destroys. A suicidal word of praise.

Really cool. Praise that sounds like an oxymoron. Originally an abbreviation of "It is a pity for the time we will spend praising and praising the ... He speaks for himself."

Missiles. The word "empowerment" does not always praise: "Missile boring."

Mr. Packer. Ahulmaniuki, the global version: "Sexy Madre-Packer" (title of a praise article on a new album).

Horrifying the idea. Ashkenazi. Another haredi praise is unclear.

Dumbbell. Praise the limit of stroke.

maddening. Abnormal praise: "Yee, that was crazy" (neighborhood song).

Terrible. Ancient Empowerment: It was beautiful! Very fun for us! German contribution: furchtbar net.

End of the Road. Terminal praise for the days of Corona.

Final ending. The end of the road for the advanced.

shell. Praise with clear and immediate danger.

Explosion. Praise in the style of combat engineering testimony.

bomb. Mandatory glass: "And Allah, it's opposite a bomb" (Haim Hefer, the large area).

Bombs back up. For someone to explain once and for all what it means.

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Source: israelhayom

All life articles on 2020-03-20

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