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The art of being grandparents at the time of Covid-19


TESTIMONIALS - While our elders are most often separated from their families, out of prudence, new types of intergenerational exchanges are woven.

"We never talked so much!" . Since the start of confinement, Anne and Jean, 80 and 83 years old, have almost every day with their six grandchildren, aged 12 to 22, on the phone. "It's really nice," smiles Anne. Before it was me who called each time and I sometimes felt like disturbing, now they are the ones who pick up their phones! ” Aperitif in FaceTime, exchange of recipes, small conversations on the phone, these Parisians who are still very active have the impression that contact has been tightened with their grandchildren since the start of confinement.

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And they are far from alone. Louis, 25, a Parisian by adoption since his studies, calls his grandmother who lives in Reims every day. Just like her siblings. “We are worried about her. At 90, my grandmother is still very active and there she turns in circles and gets bored. ” Deceive the boredom of their elders, but also make sure that everything is fine. Teens or young adults, there are many

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Source: lefigaro

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