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MPs want to exempt family caregivers who are victims of coronavirus from inheritance tax


The member for Haute-Savoie, Virginie Duby-Muller, has tabled a bill to this effect in order to "recognize" these "heroes of the nation".

What recognition for the families of deceased caregivers of the coronavirus? This is the question that the member for the Republicans of Haute-Savoie, Virginie Duby-Muller, wants to answer. It tabled on April 7 a bill aimed at “exempting inheritance tax from the heirs of any person, member of the nursing staff, who died as a result of an illness contracted or aggravated on the occasion of his direct engagement against the 'covid ‑ 19 epidemic' .

Also read: "Deaths for France": an initiative for caregivers victims of the Coronavirus

A proposal that is aimed "at caregivers, doctors in hospitals but also in medico-social establishments such as nursing homes" , specifies Virginie Duby-Muller at Le Figaro. On April 10, fifteen of them died, including seven doctors. A figure brought to nine, since. "I believe that it is important that the nation expresses its interest, its recognition and does not leave in difficulty the families of people who died in the service of the nation" , abounds Philippe Gosselin, deputy LR of the 1st district of La Manche, signatory of the bill.

It intends to broaden "article 796 of the General Tax Code which provides that certain dead for France see their heirs exempt from inheritance tax" , as, for example, "victims of war and soldiers who died during their participation in external or internal operations ” , “ victims of acts of terrorism ” or even firefighters, police, gendarmes and customs agents.

Recognize the nation's ward status and "died for France"

The proposal of the deputy is not the only one going in the direction of a recognition of these "heroes of the nation" , as called by the deputy who uses the expression of the President of the Republic. Others have been formulated, notably by Philippe Gosselin. One proposes to recognize the children of these caregivers the status of ward of the nation. "It is a protective status which also ensures certain economic and educational elements for these young people," he said. The second wishing to “recognize the status of 'death in the service of the nation' for all those personnel who died as a direct result of their fight against the Covid or of a disease which they could have contacted or which could have worsened because of the Covid, ”he explains.

A proposal similar to the measure adopted in 2012 recognizing the status of "death for the service of the nation" to soldiers and public officials "killed because of their functions or their quality". It was taken after the death of three young paratroopers killed in March 2012 by Mohamed Merah in Montauban and in Toulouse.

Read also: The State will recognize the "dead for the service of the nation"

As in 2012, LR deputies therefore wish to broaden the definition of those who died for or in the service of France to caregivers fighting against the epidemic. And for Philippe Gosselin, it is even necessary to go further and widen the beneficiaries of these legislative proposals to "all personnel who died as a result of their engagement" . According to him, this provision could also concern security guards working in hospitals, staff working for private disinfection companies, but also cashiers. "It deserves to be asked the question," he concludes.

Source: lefigaro

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