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A Milanese street artist creates a giant fresco to thank the doctors


“The idea was to create a fresco that will be a memorial. This is why it is entitled: “To remember”, explains the Milanese artist Lapo Fatai.

Milan, the capital of Lombardy, the Italian region most affected by the coronavirus with some 14,000 dead, has chosen to thank its medical staff, on the front line in this crisis, by ordering a gigantic fresco in their honor. The idea was to create a fresco that will last for years and be a memorial to the people who pass by. This is why it is entitled: “In order not to forget”, explains to AFPTV the Milanese artist who is the author, Lapo Fatai.

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The fresco represents a nurse with gloved hands, hair covered with a charlotte and a mask lowered on the chin revealing a big smile. Beside his face is written a message in capital letters: “ Thank you! " The nurse smiled despite the marks on her face from wearing the mask. It is a symbol of hope and positive spirit against all odds, ”observes Lapo Fatai, who worked for free on this project.

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" After thinking about it, I decided to work for free to pay tribute to all the health workers who worked hard during this crisis, " said the young man with the thin brown mustache. It took him eight days to complete this work, which he finally signed on Thursday. A patch of yellow paint above his nose testifies to his hard work.

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His fresco occupies a blind gable of the San Luca Auxologico hospital overlooking a busy street in Milan, currently empty but usually clogged with cars. The coronavirus has so far claimed some 28,000 lives in Italy, half of which in Lombardy, the economic heart of Italy, straining its health system.

It took Lapo Fatai eight days to complete this work, on which he was finally able to affix his signature on Thursday. MIGUEL MEDINA / AFP

Source: lefigaro

All life articles on 2020-05-02

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