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Today's horoscope, May 10, 2020, of all the zodiac signs


Check your horoscope for today, Sunday May 10. What do the stars have in store for you today? Predictions by sign by Astrologer Silvia Rioja

In today's horoscope, Sunday, May 10 , Saturn, the planet associated with karma, begins its retrograde as it does every year. Its objective is that you check if you have fulfilled your responsibilities and if you have made the corresponding efforts in a certain area of ​​your horoscope. This influence is very important; that's why I recommend you check your sign and your ascendant, if you know it, to have a better guide. 


Saturn is one of the most important planets for being associated with karma and for being in charge of pointing out your earthly cycles. For this reason, its changes greatly influence allowing you to specify or delay your projects.

Before the end of this day, the aforementioned planet will begin its retrograde path, whose objective will be to delay some of the projects that you share with colleagues or those in which you contribute your experience for the benefit of many people.

Their objective will be to review the resources you have to meet these goals, if you have been responsible in your work and if you have acted correctly with this group of people. Thus you will begin a period of evaluations to take the right path.

See also:

Aries Weekly Horoscope, May 4-10, 2020
Aries Monthly Horoscope for May
Aries 2020 Annual Horoscope


Saturn is one of the most important planets and all its movements are felt; therefore, today as it begins its retrograde path until July 1, you will notice that the issues related to your work and profession will begin to stagnate, giving you a feeling of immobility.

This way you will start an evaluation process on the resources you have to reach your ambitions. In the aforementioned time, you may feel that you do not have the ability to manage the professional and work environment, therefore, you must recognize a decrease in your power or the power you thought you had.

Since pending projects can also be delayed, it is important not to rush anything and to respect Saturn's cycles.

See also:

Taurus Weekly Horoscope, May 4 - 10, 2020
Taurus Monthly Horoscope for May
Taurus 2020 Annual Horoscope


Tonight, Saturn begins its annual retrograde movement and this will do so until July 1 in the area of ​​your horoscope related to your aspirations, your professional preparation, your actions abroad and their corresponding legal processes.

They will be days of evaluations, of reviewing your goals and measuring whether you feel empowered to carry out what you have set out to do. You may go through days with feelings of frustration at not moving forward or feeling that you have lost the course of your life, but remember not to despair and see what you can correct.

You may also experience delays in some of these issues; For this reason, if you are in any immigration process, you could postpone it. 

See also: 

Gemini weekly horoscope, May 4-10, 2020
Gemini monthly horoscope for May
Gemini 2020 annual horoscope


Saturn is the planet associated with karma and in charge of managing the cycles of your life. Since March, it has been influencing you to make a complete change of values ​​and review how you are fulfilling your responsibilities related to commercial companies, your taxes and your bank credits.

At the end of the day, the aforementioned planet will start its apparent way back because you have to learn some karmic lessons.

This can cause delays or problems if you have not paid your taxes, credits or insurance. Also, it will make you check if you have clung too much to possessions and if you should change any of this.

See also: 

Cancer Weekly Horoscope, May 4 - 10, 2020
Cancer Monthly Horoscope for May
Cancer Yearly Horoscope 2020


Tonight, Saturn begins its retrograde path. This means that until the beginning of July it will make you rethink your relationship and whether or not you are with the person who corresponds to you in this life. Even, you will have the feeling that your love life does not advance.

So doubts begin to arise within you, whether you are in the process of getting married or divorced, and whether you should go ahead with this.

You can also go through delays if you were making legal efforts, lawsuits or legal complaints, since it is now when the aforementioned planet can cause problems if you have not been responsible in your relationships or if you have not assumed your legal commitments. All this so that you learn karmic lessons and you can correct it.

See also: 

Leo's weekly horoscope for May 4-10, 2020
Leo's monthly horoscope for May
Leo's annual horoscope for 2020


Since March, Saturn, the planet related to responsibilities, has been testing you to see how you develop your work and how much you take care of your body.

In addition, from tonight until the beginning of July, it will take its retrograde path, generating delays and complications in these issues because you have something to learn. This influence will make you question if you really are in the job you want, and you can go through frustrations when you see that you are not advancing and that the control or power that you believed you have gained in your work has gone from your hands.

The work routine will require more effort and you will feel the heaviness of tasks that you do not like or do not consider suitable for you; therefore, you could pass this stress to the body and have health problems.

See also: 

Virgo Weekly Horoscope, May 4-10, 2020
Virgo Monthly Horoscope for May
Virgo 2020 Yearly Horoscope


Saturn is one of the most important planets because it is associated with earthly cycles and karmic lessons and tonight it begins its retrograde journey. This is so that you review the resources you have to fulfill your business ambitions, in love and even to have children.

With this movement that runs until July 1, you can feel delays in these issues or lack of stability. They will be days of evaluations, of reviewing your goals and measuring whether you feel empowered to carry out what you have set out to do.

Here you will have to fight to stay in good spirits and avoid the feeling of not finding someone to love. But don't rush anything.

See also: 

Libra Weekly Horoscope, May 4 - 10, 2020
Libra Monthly Horoscope for May
Libra 2020 Yearly Horoscope


Saturn is one of the most important planets and all the changes in its movements are felt a lot; therefore, today as it begins its retrograde path until the beginning of July, you will notice that all anger slows down.

Particularly with family interaction, your parents, your internal processes and the issues of your home. This way you will start an evaluation process about the resources you have to reach your ambitions if you were thinking of buying a house.

You may also have to take care of the health of a parent or delay your plans by entering a process of stagnation and immobility. Also, your desire to put down your own roots can be delayed.

See also: 

Scorpio weekly horoscope, May 4-10, 2020
Scorpio monthly horoscope for May
Scorpio 2020 annual horoscope


Since March, Saturn, the planet associated with your efforts and responsibilities, has given you a period of more concentration and mental discipline so that you can learn more and perfect your knowledge in a disciplined way.

All in order to know how to make good practical use of what has been learned. Tonight, the aforementioned planet begins its journey until the first of July and may hinder your learning and the signing of contracts.

Your thoughts could enter a more exhausting stage and with a tendency to be negative. Begin a period of evaluation and maturation if you have the resources and the ability to make these commitments.

See also: 

Sagittarius weekly horoscope, May 4-10, 2020
Sagittarius monthly horoscope for May
Sagittarius 2020 annual horoscope


Saturn, the planet that is your ruler, since March has been showing you the importance of forming a consolidated and stable material structure by being more responsible and assuming more work commitments. But, in addition, it makes you analyze if you should continue preparing yourself to achieve your goals.

Today the aforementioned planet will begin its retrogradation until July 1 and you will begin an evaluation process about your economic ambitions, if you have managed your money well and if you have the capacity to generate them.

It can also cause delays in receiving your income and making your payments. Check what you need to change and if you have to take on more responsibilities or make more efforts.

See also: 

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope, May 4 - 10, 2020
Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for May
Capricorn 2020 Annual Horoscope


Saturn, the planet related to karma, since March has been passing by your sign so that you assume responsibilities through efforts and that you can lay a more solid foundation in your life.

It is a process of rebuilding your personality in which you will be required to be perfect in your decisions. But today, the aforementioned planet will start a slow path apparently backwards and the first effect you will notice is that everything will slow down.

You can feel aimless, discouraged and your body can feel these effects lowering its defense system. It is now when you must review your capabilities to achieve your ambitions and make adjustments to achieve it.

See also: 

Aquarius weekly horoscope, May 4-10, 2020
Aquarius monthly horoscope for May
Aquarius annual horoscope 2020


Saturn, the planet of karma, is just passing through your house of karma, this being one of the most important periods of your life. It is the moment when all kinds of events come to you according to how your actions have been.

But tonight it will start its retrograde path until the first of July so you can review and redirect your goals. You may go through moments of instability in which you do not know for sure where to go, but it will be because a stage of your evolution is closing.

You should review your health and that of your loved ones, the hidden and suffered loves, the complexes, the weaknesses and the inherited diseases.

See also:

Pisces Weekly Horoscope, May 4 - 10, 2020
Pisces Monthly Horoscope for April
Pisces 2020 Yearly Horoscope

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Silvia Rioja, learn more about the training and career of our astrologer

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Source: telemundo

All life articles on 2020-05-10

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