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Vacation, corona rules, pension: all of this changed in Germany in June 2020


As of June 1, 2020 there are some changes and new laws apply in Germany. Here you will find the most important changes in the overview.

As of June 1, 2020 there are some changes and new laws apply in Germany. Here you will find the most important changes in the overview.

  • In June some new regulations and laws will come into force in Germany
  • This includes innovations due to the corona pandemic * , but also topics such as the planned pension increase. 
  • We have summarized the changes for you

Munich - In times of the corona virus * there are comparatively many changes to the rules, there are new laws and guidelines that citizens must now abide by. An overview of what will change in June 2020 .

Corona contact restrictions remain - but there are further easings

The federal government originally planned to discuss the current contact restrictions * on June 5 . The meeting was canceled, there are disputes between the federal and state governments. It was agreed that the contact restrictions * should apply until June 26, however, from June 6 ten people or members of two households may meet at the same time. However, there should no longer be a maximum number of people in an apartment or house. The federal states decide for themselves the scope and exact implementation of the easing . Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) had announced that he would continue to rely on the contact restrictions. 

Corona changes in June: will travel abroad soon be possible again?

In general, the worldwide travel warning that Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) had issued for tourists applies until June 14. However, the federal government is now assuming that tourist trips will be possible again in large parts of Europe in summer. 


Will summer vacation be possible? The travel warnings should no longer apply from mid-June. 

© dpa / Sina Schuldt

From June 15th, the travel warning * for the 31 European countries is to be lifted. Provided, of course, that the respective situation regarding the corona virus * in the individual countries permits. Then trips to Pentecost * in the popular holiday regions in Italy, Croatia or France could be possible again. 

Financial aid announced: family bonus, car purchase bonus, support for companies

In recent weeks and months, the federal government has put huge amounts in hand to keep the economic impact of the corona pandemic as low as possible. Another round of grants is due to start in June. 

  • The federal government has been debating a family bonus for several weeks . A sum of between 300 and 600 euros is in the room - parents should get that for each of their children. This is to support families and at the same time boost retail. 
  • A possible car purchase bonus has also been discussed for some time. Above all, there is criticism from the Greens. The industry is hoping for a boost, as it is currently in a huge crisis. Sales have dropped dramatically in the past few weeks. Existing premiums for the purchase of electric cars are now to be increased, but new incentives for the purchase of combustion engines are also to be created.  
  • The Federal Government plans to further expand existing aid programs for the self-employed * , for example artists, innkeepers or travel agencies. Above all, this group should receive tax benefits in the future, and the so-called loss carry-back should be expanded. This would make it easier for companies to offset the losses from 2020 with the profits from previous years. In addition, easing depreciation is under discussion. 

Negotiations on the exact implementation of the economic stimulus package will probably take place in early June

Daycare centers are opening all over again

Some states already allow it, others will follow suit in June. Daycare centers can now reopen almost anywhere. However, there are different conditions, especially with daycare centers:

  • In Bavaria , the little ones are allowed to go back to daycare after Whitsun holidays, but only those who will be required to go to school next year. 
  • Bremen's preschool children can go back to the facilities from June 1st. 
  • Baden-Württemberg has announced that the daycare centers will be fully open again by the end of June at the latest. 
  • Children from four and a half and their siblings can go back to daycare in Hamburg from June 4th.
  • In Hesse , the daycare centers are to go into restricted normal operation at the beginning of June. 
  • The same applies in North Rhine-Westphalia , where normal operation is to be introduced on June 8th. 
  • In Saxony-Anhalt , the children will return to the daycare centers from June 2, where regular operations will then continue. 
  • In Thuringia , children should be looked after again in the daycare centers from June 15 at the latest.

    Fitness studios are also opening again: different regulations in the federal states

    It was already allowed in NRW , now other federal states are following. Gyms * had to be closed for several weeks, and the Germans had to keep fit for months with jogging or YouTube videos. From June 2, however, training can now be resumed in Baden-Württemberg , for example, Berlin and Bavaria want to follow in the days after. 


In some federal states, the gyms are already open; in June, Bavaria and Berlin will follow suit. 

© dpa / Bernd Wüstneck

Pension increase comes - but not everyone benefits immediately

The pension of about 21 million pensioners in Germany will be increased on July 1, because: The annual pension adjustment * is pending. The new amount is usually paid out at the end of June. When the increased pension ends up in the account depends on when the pension starts . If you received your pension before or since March 2004, the increase will now be paid out at the end of June. In any case, the payment is made automatically. In the old federal states , the pension increases by 3.45 percent , in the new federal states by 4.20 percent

These regulations expire in June:

Some rules and innovations of the past weeks expire in June:

  • Exchanging train tickets: Tickets in the saver fare and super saver fare categories purchased before March 13 can be canceled until the end of June. However, the trip must be between March 13th and May 4th. 
  • Deferral of installment payments : Loans can be deferred for a maximum of three months until the end of June . If debtors were unable to meet their obligations, there have been no legal consequences in recent weeks.  
  • Protection against dismissal for tenants : Until the end of June, a tenant has no fear of dismissal * should the Corona pandemic have caused him financial difficulties . This regulation also affected tenants and businesses. 
  • Simplified access to Hartz IV : For the past few weeks, the federal government has made it easier for job seekers to access Hartz IV benefits . As of June 30, these changes, which primarily concerned the aspects of property assessment and adequacy of living conditions , will no longer apply.
  • Sick leave by phone: For example, if you need a sick leave due to a cold, you will have to go back to the doctor in person from June 1st . As of May 31, the special regulations for sick leave by telephone due to the corona crisis expired. 

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Marijan Murat

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2020-06-11

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