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Macron: 'First victory against viruses, Paris reopens'


French President: 'Mistakes made but lives saved'. 'We will not dismantle our statues' (ANSA)"The whole territory, with the exception of Mayotte and Guyana, becomes a green area. This means a strong recovery in work and the reopening of restaurants and bars": Emmanuel Macron, in a speech recorded at the Elysium for about twenty minutes, announced to the French that even Paris, from tomorrow, can "turn the page of the first act of the crisis" caused by the coronavirus epidemic. The announ...

"The whole territory, with the exception of Mayotte and Guyana, becomes a green area. This means a strong recovery in work and the reopening of restaurants and bars": Emmanuel Macron, in a speech recorded at the Elysium for about twenty minutes, announced to the French that even Paris, from tomorrow, can "turn the page of the first act of the crisis" caused by the coronavirus epidemic.

The announcement that the French have been waiting anxiously since March 17, when the lockdown was decreed, came from the Elysée. A result achieved with the effort of all, and of which "to be proud", says the president: "Summer 2020 will not be a summer like any other and we will have to follow the evolution of the epidemic to prepare ourselves. The fight is not still over. But I'm happy with you for this first victory against the virus ". All restaurants and bars in Paris reopen, kindergartens, elementary and middle schools completely reopen, and from July 22nd they will find the rhythms and obligations of normal times. At the moment of the total reopening, Macron also took stock of what happened: claiming "the choice to put health in front of the economy", admitting "mistakes" but claiming the successes: "We must not be ashamed of our budget - he said - tens of thousands of lives have been saved thanks to our choices, our actions "," the state has kept ", we have reacted" better than others, in the face of a virus that has hit us with more force ".

Finally, mention of current affairs, protests that are raging in France over police violence: "The Republic will not dismantle any statue - said the president - will not erase any trace or any name of its history", adding that France will know to be "inflexible in the face of racism and anti-Semitism".

Source: ansa

All life articles on 2020-06-15

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