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Today's horoscope, July 6, 2020, of all the zodiac signs


Check your horoscope for today, Monday, July 6. What do the stars have in store for you today? Predictions by sign by Astrologer Silvia Rioja

In today's horoscope, Monday, July 6 , Venus, the Wheel of Fortune, and the asteroid Juno sync up to give you a day of mental optimism.


Today you start the day with the Wheel of Fortune in your sign giving you a radiant shine and magnetism that you will bring to your environment; especially, in your relationships.

This influence is even stronger than on other occasions because it synchronizes favorably with Juno, the marriage asteroid, and with Venus, the planet associated with love. As these movements will increase your personal charm and are protective for you, you will favor accepting that others give you their love.

Put aside the toughness of your personality and do not imply that you do not need anyone. This way you can take firmer steps in your romantic relationships by expressing what you feel.

See also:

Aries weekly horoscope, July 6-12, 2020
Aries monthly horoscope for July
Aries 2020 annual horoscope


Today the energy current formed by Venus, the Wheel of Fortune and the Juno asteroid in the air element, an element associated with ideas, activates the sectors of your astrological chart that refer to your economy, how you manage your money and your tasks work.

With all this influence on the topics mentioned, the Universe helps you put your best reasoning in favor of improving your economic and working conditions, since you will activate the skills of your sign to earn more money and be successful.

If you receive job offers, remember that the signs that will help you increase your earnings are Gemini, Libra, Aquarius and Cancer.

See also:

Taurus Weekly Horoscope, July 6-12, 2020
Taurus Monthly Horoscope for July
Taurus 2020 Annual Horoscope


Today Venus continues to pass through your sign combining very well with the Moon and the asteroid Juno, which is related to loyalty in personal relationships.

All this synchronization is very favorable for you because it will make you aware of the importance of fidelity in relationships and it will be one of the ways to avoid infidelity in 2020.

This will make you feel stronger and more secure by finding more balance in your feelings and being able to define what type of commitment you are willing to assume in relationships. In this order of ideas, you will feel better about yourself because you can already maintain more formal and stable relationships.

See also: 

Gemini weekly horoscope, July 6-12, 2020
Gemini monthly horoscope for July
Gemini 2020 annual horoscope


In your astrological chart you have three sectors in which it favors you to apply more your rational side and intelligence. These are related to emotions at the family level, as a couple and with those inherited from past lives.

Although this may seem contradictory, it is so in your horoscope and it is what favors you to do so that your life flows better. This means that, in the face of an emotional problem such as those mentioned, you should put more mind than heart to solve them.

As these sectors are receiving the synchronized energy of the Wheel of Fortune, Venus and the asteroid Juno today, it will be very easy for you to know what you must change to attract better relationships instead of crying like other times.

See also: 

Cancer weekly horoscope, July 6-12, 2020
Cancer monthly horoscope for July
Cancer annual horoscope 2020


The three sectors of your astral chart that are predominated by the mental are those associated with the social, sentimental and commercial part. Today these three are activated by the Wheel of Fortune, Venus and the asteroid Juno.

This to give you a totally happy day, that you feel like living better and that you want to do better business. So the appointments and meetings scheduled for this day will flow without you having to do much on your part.

Take advantage of it to greet and activate your customer contacts and send notes interested in them. Keep in mind that the signs that favor you to earn money are Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus and Libra according to your horoscope.

See also: 

Leo's weekly horoscope for July 6-12, 2020
Leo's monthly horoscope for July
Leo's annual horoscope for 2020


The combination of the Wheel of Fortune, Venus and Juno form an energy current in the air element, related to communications, knowledge and ideas.

This activates the three sectors of your card in which you favor applying your most rational side. Such sectors are those related to managing your money, the job you want to have and work goals.

As the aforementioned influence is very positive, surely today you will receive good news regarding your profession. But before accepting the proposal, you should bear in mind that it is in your best interest to have your mind open and leave your stubbornness aside. In this order of ideas, you will be making a job change immediately.

See also: 

Virgo Weekly Horoscope, July 6-12, 2020
Virgo Monthly Horoscope for July
Virgo 2020 Yearly Horoscope


Today the Wheel of Happiness and Juno, an asteroid that talks about commitment in relationships, are synchronized with Venus to send you their positive energies and have a favorable day.

As the stars mentioned are passing through the element of air, which refers to understanding, today they will help you understand and discover why each person comes into your life. Also to clearly see what personality traits make you attract certain types of relationships.

In this way, it will be easier for you to accept what happens to your feelings and make new commitments of friends and sentimental.

See also: 

Libra Weekly Horoscope, July 6-12, 2020
Libra Monthly Horoscope for July
Libra Yearly Horoscope 2020


In your birth chart there are certain sectors in which the feelings that you bring from past lives are located, those generated in your childhood or those that you have in moments full of helplessness.

Today these sectors are being activated very favorably by Venus, the Wheel of Fortune and Juno who, when going through signs of the air element, recommend you apply your rational side to these issues.

In this way, you can coldly analyze your feelings and understand that you have to achieve a type of emotional and sentimental relationship that is according to what you really want. Avoid the models that others advise you; particularly the family.

See also: 

Scorpio weekly horoscope, July 6-12, 2020
Scorpio monthly horoscope for July
Scorpio 2020 annual horoscope


Today Venus, the Wheel of Fortune and the asteroid Juno form an energy current that activates the three sectors of your horoscope associated with your personal relationships.

This current, which is protective and beneficial, makes you more affectionate, diplomatic, considerate and communicative with everyone. This is especially so that you keep your good mood throughout the day.

It is also favorable for your intimate relationships, since you are in a good disposition to give in and improve. Also, because you will need to project yourself outward, you will be expressing your feelings that will be very well accepted by others.

See also: 

Sagittarius weekly horoscope, July 6-12, 2020
Sagittarius monthly horoscope for July
Sagittarius 2020 annual horoscope


Today the Universe gives you a quiet day so that you can open up and show your emotional world to others. This you will do in a nice, harmonious way and infecting your positive energy to benefit those around you with your presence.

You will be able to do this through the energies that combine favorably between the Wheel of Fortune, Venus and the asteroid Juno, which represents the good links between relationships.  

As they are activating social signs, this will be reflected in you as you are more willing to communicate while maintaining a good sense of humor. You will know how to respond to others according to their needs, so that you and those around you will remain in full harmony.

See also: 

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope, July 6-12, 2020
Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for July
Capricorn 2020 Annual Horoscope


Today the Moon will be passing through your sign and will be combined with the Wheel of Fortune, Venus and the asteroid Juno, which represents commitment in relationships. As they sync with each other, they activate the love and romance area of ​​your horoscope.

This strong and positive influence will allow you to understand how you are in your relationships and how much you are willing to give and receive. Knowing this is that you will be encouraged to accept the love you have to give, make commitments and decide to declare yourself to someone.

You will see that you will feel happy to have done it and so you will not waste your love resources, but you will use them much more.

See also: 

Aquarius weekly horoscope, July 6-12, 2020
Aquarius monthly horoscope for July
Aquarius annual horoscope 2020


Today Venus, the Wheel of Happiness and Juno, stars associated with well-being, love and family, agree on air signs, an element that represents the rational part.

In this way, they form a current of mental energy that activates in your astrological chart those topics related to personal and family relationships. This will help you to resolve problems, whether sentimental or loving.

This is how you can find a balance between your ideas and your feeling, be more practical without feeling guilty and, also, having serenity and objectivity to clear up misunderstandings and repair any situation of tension. 

See also:

Pisces Weekly Horoscope, July 6-12, 2020
Pisces Monthly Horoscope for July
Pisces 2020 Yearly Horoscope

See also:

Diseases that you can suffer according to your zodiac sign

Cinnamon rituals to conquer, maintain and attract love

5 easy ways to cleanse your aura of negative energies

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Source: telemundo

All life articles on 2020-07-07

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