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Today's horoscope, July 21, 2020, of all the zodiac signs


Check your horoscope for today, Tuesday July 21. What do the stars have in store for you today? Predictions by sign by Astrologer Silvia Rioja

In today's horoscope, Tuesday, July 21 , the Sun leaves the sign Cancer does not return for another year. That is why it is important that you keep something positive from this experience.


The Sun has spent the last four weeks going through Cancer and, surely, you have experienced the obstacles that have put you on the road, since it is a sign that is not compatible with yours.

However, you have been able to overcome each of these, achieve many of your goals and overcome many of your doubts. Today stay with the learning of this experience, since very positive days will come for you and, if you add what you have learned, you will increase your chances of expanding and reaching your goals.

Stay with your strength of improvement and transmit this feeling when your coworkers need it.

See also:

Aries Weekly Horoscope, July
20-26 , 2020 Aries Monthly Horoscope for July
Aries 2020 Yearly Horoscope


For a month, the Sun, which represents your vitality and power of conviction, has been going through the Cancer sign favoring you in your projects. With this movement, you will have felt that it was easier for you to focus on your work and convince others to support you in your plans.

You have also found a way to learn to yield without considering it as a loss, but as a clever tactic on your part to expand your mind by considering the opinions of others.

All this experience is what you should capitalize on today, which is the last day of this influence and so you can apply it later.

See also:

Taurus Weekly Horoscope, July
20-26 , 2020 Taurus Monthly Horoscope for July
Taurus 2020 Annual Horoscope


During the most recent four weeks, the passage of the Sun through the sign of Cancer has taught you not to go so fast through life. Taking everything more slowly is a good learning for you, since it helps you to enjoy more of everything you do and not waste energy.

Furthermore, with this you have learned to enjoy conversations by listening more to others. You have also discovered that applying the advice you have received has helped you resolve many of your conflicts.

Today is the last day of this influence; therefore, I advise you to integrate all this to apply it later when you want to accelerate again.

See also: 

Gemini weekly horoscope, July
20-26 , 2020 Gemini monthly horoscope for July
Gemini 2020 annual horoscope


During this last month, you have directly received all the energy of the Sun by passing through your sign. With this influence, you have started a new, totally personal twelve-month cycle and you are probably full of plans and hopes to achieve.

Since today is the last day of this solar movement, it is time to stop planning and start materializing. Therefore, I advise you to put your ideas in order and organize them with dates to go towards them.

Focus on those that are related to the economy because the aforementioned star will begin, from tomorrow, to illuminate the sector of your horoscope related to finance. For this, I also recommend taking advantage of the properties of the lemon to attract money and ward off bad vibes.

See also: 

Cancer weekly horoscope, July
20-26 , 2020 Cancer monthly horoscope for July
Cancer annual horoscope 2020


Today is the last day that the Sun passes Cancer, a sign whose energy is calm and introverted, after having activated it for four weeks. With this movement, you have been further away from brief talks, from social chat and have learned to be within your internal world.

This has helped you develop your most creative side, stay calm, not have so many impulsive reactions and avoid arguments, leaving your tantrums aside.

I recommend you integrate this and keep the most positive of the experience, since, from tomorrow, the Sun passes to your sign and you can apply it for a benefit.

See also:  

Leo's weekly
horoscope for July
20-26, 2020 Leo's monthly horoscope for July Leo's annual horoscope for 2020


For four weeks, the Sun has been going through the sign Cancer and today it is saying goodbye to it so as not to return for another year. Therefore, it is good that you keep the most positive of this experience.

Surely in the aforementioned time, although you could not be physically close to your friends, you were able to enjoy them in chat or teleconference and it has served to strengthen ties.

Thus you have verified that when friendship is true, it does not matter the distance or the time, but to be aware of the other. Stick with this learning for when you have other situations to apply.

See also: 

Virgo Weekly Horoscope, July
20-26 , 2020 Virgo Monthly Horoscope for July
Virgo Yearly Horoscope 2020


Today the Sun, which represents your strength and power, ends its journey through Cancer and, as it was not favoring your horoscope, from today you will feel a relief within you.

Many tensions will subside; However, the important thing about this moment, and for you to keep the most positive of this experience, is to assess how you have overcome each of the criticisms received.

In the last four weeks, you have managed not to drop your arms and face difficult times. This is what you must integrate within yourself, since tomorrow the Sun arrives at Leo and everything will flow to your benefit. 

See also: 

Libra Weekly Horoscope, July
20-26 , 2020 Libra Monthly Horoscope for July
Libra 2020 Yearly Horoscope


This last month, the Sun from Cancer has transmitted enough energy and vitality to recover from physical, emotional or work problems; therefore, your spirits were very high.

Today the star king is already saying goodbye to the aforementioned sign and you should integrate that positivism and the faith that everything will turn out well. This is important, especially, for the next few weeks because you will be wondering if you are being efficient or not at your job and you will feel observed by bosses.

Always stay with the positive of the experience and remember those phrases of power that you have used in the last month because they can empower you.

See also: 

Scorpio weekly horoscope, July
20-26 , 2020 Scorpio monthly horoscope for July
Scorpio 2020 annual horoscope


Today is the last day in which the Sun goes through the sign Cancer to not return for another year and, with this movement, you end a period of having been very obsessed with money.

As in every important planetary movement I recommend you stay with an apprenticeship, this time my advice is to integrate the strength you have had to go through the economic instabilities of recent times.

This is very important because in moments when you doubt your achievements and persistence, you must remember it to know that you can face any situation and overcome them in good spirits. For the latter, it also favors you to get rid of bad vibes and protect yourself with this coconut ritual.

See also:

Sagittarius weekly horoscope, July
20-26 , 2020 Sagittarius monthly horoscope for July
Sagittarius 2020 annual horoscope


Today the Sun says goodbye to Cancer, an emotional sign and attached to the family, after having been there for four weeks activating it.

From this movement, it would be very favorable for you to stay with a teaching that for your sign is to let yourself be more emotional, accept feelings and put aside so much concern about work.

All this you will have already experienced and experienced due to the restrictions of the pandemic, but now is the time to integrate it so that you can live more relaxed and thus enjoy more of the day to day. There are times when it is more important to value the present and not think so much about what is to come.

See also: 

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope, July
20-26 , 2020 Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for July
Capricorn 2020 Annual Horoscope


After four weeks, the Sun, associated with your life force and desire for achievement, leaves your horoscope's home for work, not to return for another year.

In this time you have made an effort to take care of your work activity and to demonstrate your skills in order to obtain recognition, since your objective was to improve your current working conditions.

Although you have been slow to achieve what you want, it is the positive energy and enthusiasm that you have put into what you must integrate into yourself. Nothing is lost in the Universe; therefore, in a short time you will be receiving the fruit of your efforts. 

See also: 

Aquarius weekly horoscope, July
20-26 , 2020 Aquarius monthly horoscope for July
Aquarius annual horoscope 2020


Today the Sun says goodbye to Cancer after this sign has gone through it for a month. During the time mentioned, you have surely noticed that it was easier for you to stand out professionally, attract the attention of your superiors and receive good comments and congratulations from them.

Probably, you have also felt that everything has flowed better in other aspects of your life and you have maintained your internal harmony.

This, in turn, has helped you increase your spirit of abundance by seeing the positive side of every circumstance. This experience is what you should integrate into yourself for when you don't feel so strong.

See also:

Pisces Weekly Horoscope, July
20-26 , 2020 Pisces Monthly Horoscope for July
Pisces 2020 Yearly Horoscope

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What are the most interested zodiac signs?

Bad habits of zodiac signs in love

6 infallible charms to attract money and prosperity in your life

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Source: telemundo

All life articles on 2020-07-22

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