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Mattarella to Italians abroad, relaunching trust in the future


The Head of State: "I know how much participation you have followed the suffering experienced in our country for coronavirus" (ANSA)

"Now the commitment is aimed at rebuilding a fabric, capable of facing the risks that arise and of relaunching trust in the future". The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella says it in a video message to Italians abroad broadcast by Rai Italia

In his message Mattarella says to Italians abroad: "I know how much participation you have followed the sufferings experienced in our country for coronavirus. You did it from afar, for the physical distance that separates us; yet completely close in consciousness that unites us. A confirmation, if necessary, of the intense sentiment that gathers the Italian and Italian communities spread throughout the world. A feeling of unity and solidarity for which I express my gratitude ".
"It was a test that highlighted civic values ​​and dedication to people in difficulty. Values ​​that represent an important basis of our society, and feed the life of our democratic institutions. In the many villages and cities of Italy this season was accompanied by mourning and suffering, to which was added the pain of not being able to celebrate the funeral, of the deceased: an emergency now, fortunately, overcome.
Now the commitment is aimed at the reconstruction of a fabric, capable of facing the risks that demonstrate and relaunch confidence in the future, "says the Head of State.
"The virus has crossed borders and continental distances. It has questioned established paths and ways of life. These months of pandemic, for many of the compatriots abroad, have added to the health concern the discomfort and regret of not being able to reach loved ones in Italy, also as a result of restrictions in air connections. The distance weighs on our communities abroad and all the institutions of the Republic are committed to alleviating these difficulties; for its part, the consular network and the embassies is aimed to strengthen attention and to listen and correspond to their needs. The collaboration and coordination of the international community in fighting, the virus - a common and still largely unknown adversary - is gradually leading to the normalcy of connections and the consequent After all, only shared knowledge and an effective choral action in defense of health by all countries can allow us to defeat the disease ", he points out, reiterating to Italians abroad:" before the break, produced since August, I wish to send you the strongest feeling of closeness of the Republic to all of you " .

Source: ansa

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