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5 Reasons to Allow Students to Turn Off the Camera in Zoom - Walla! health


The video connection required of students in distance learning has quite a few drawbacks, ranging from invasion of privacy to a threatening sense of discomfort. A brain and behavior researcher explains why children should be allowed to turn it off from time to time

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5 reasons to allow students to turn off the camera zoom

The video connection required of students in distance learning has quite a few drawbacks, ranging from invasion of privacy to a threatening sense of discomfort.

A brain and behavior researcher explains why children should be allowed to turn it off from time to time


  • Zoom



Sunday, 04 October 2020, 00:02

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In the video: The Prime Minister's statement on the closure during the holidays (Photo: GPO)

The school year in Israel has just begun and has already folded itself into the zoom.

In the United States, schools have not opened at all, announcing in advance that the school year will only take place remotely. So that the teacher can see them and so that all the other students can see each other.

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To the full article

The requirement to connect only with an activated camera is understandable, it creates greater involvement and commitment to the lesson and allows the teacher to see that all children are indeed following and concentrating on the material delivered in the lesson.

However, Tabitha Mozes, a researcher who studies brain and behavior at Wayne State University School of Medicine, argues that insisting that students always open their cameras also has drawbacks.

She believes that they should be allowed to turn off the cameras from time to time, and she lists 5 good reasons for this:

Prolonged eye contact causes discomfort.

Girl studying remotely with a laptop (Illustration: ShutterStock)

1. Anxiety and Stress In

Online Classes Teachers expect students to look at the screen throughout the lesson and concentrate on the video broadcast of the teacher and other students at the same time.

This can make the student feel as if he is in too long eye contact with the other class participants, which leads to a feeling of discomfort and sometimes even feels threatening.

The feeling that everyone is watching you can also be a distraction, because it causes students to mess with how they look to others.

This feeling of discomfort is further intensified when the face seen on the screen is photographed up close and looks larger than usual.

In some students this may trigger in the brain the 'fight or flight' response, a response that is triggered in situations of threat or distress, which will cause them to be more alert than usual and impair their ability to concentrate.

2. Zoom Erosion



Erosion' may sound to you like any other erosion, but there are studies that claim that it is unique and different and that the continuous video connection exacerbates the problem.

The learning processes of most of us are largely based on non-verbal messages.

Zoom communication, which is based solely on facial photography, causes students to miss many of these messages, such as hand gestures.

Even the non-verbal messages that manage to get into the zoom photo frame require students to work harder to decipher them and are less intuitive for them.

Attempting to track all the faces that appear on the screen impairs memory and workmanship.

Child learns to zoom in (illustration: shutterstock)

The zoom format, which is mainly based on facial photography, makes people focus mainly on verbal messages and it can be tiring.

What's more, when many faces appear on the screen, most people will try to pay attention to everyone - this is a kind of multi-tasking process called continuous partial attention.

A lot of people have a hard time with that.

The need to repeatedly move from task to task and back again may impair memory and reduce the quality of task performance.

The need to follow all the participants in the lesson causes the students to end up being less involved in the lesson and feel exhausted at the end.

Competitive Commitments

Although the ideal situation for distance learning students is that they sit alone in a quiet room, with no distractions that will interfere with them concentrating on the lesson - this is not always possible.

In many homes, learning takes place when there are other siblings around who are studying or working at home and sometimes also parents who also have to work from home at the same time.

The various occurrences in the background can be both a source of distraction and a source of embarrassment for the student.

It is worth noting that this issue affects not only students, but also teachers who teach from home and are also exposed to distractions and competing commitments - such as caring for their own children.

4. The right to privacy

In school children can choose how much they want to share in their private lives, but some of this privacy is lost in online studies that require an open video camera.

Opening the camera actually puts the whole class into their home.

Some online learning platforms are not properly secured (as evidenced by the numerous cases of hacking outbursts by hackers, which have been documented and published).

The students' personal information as well as the photographs from the lesson can be hacked and stolen, and the contents of the photographs may also reveal the student's place of residence and also reveal the rest of the household.

There is more here for fear of exposing personal information to other students, in some cases it can actually endanger the lives of certain students or their family.

Screenshot of a security breach in the 'Ofek' system of the Ministry of Education located by Check Point (Photo: Check Point)

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5. Economic situation and access to resources

The requirement to use video during online lessons is based on the assumption that all students have the financial means to obtain the necessary technological means to do so. In many homes it is not economically possible to purchase a computer with the audio and video capabilities needed to participate in distance learning, not to mention that there are homes where there is more than one child who needs to study online, and the number of devices needs to match the number of students. This is a high financial expense that is not possible in every home, especially in a difficult economic period like the current one.

It is clear that online learning is a non-ideal solution that tries its best to compensate for the inability to conduct studies in their normal format. Meanwhile, teachers are making great efforts to maintain as unmediated contact as possible with their students - and video calls are one of the tools for this. The goal is not to give them up completely, but it is important that the education system also make sure that all students feel comfortable during these lessons and allow students to turn off cameras from time to time.

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Source: walla

All life articles on 2020-10-03

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