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"Why are we being singled out?" : parents rebelled against the end of home schooling


At the start of the next school year, no less than 25,000 children educated at home will have to join the classrooms. Some parents are screaming at

Emmanuel Macron has alienated many parents who have made homeschooling their way of life.

Friday, during the speech detailing his plan to fight against separatism, the Head of State made a decision that he considers to be "one of the most radical since the laws of 1882": the end, from the start of the 2021 school year. , home schooling, with a few exceptions.


End of school at home: "It's a big blow"

According to the Minister of National Education, 50,000 children benefit from it, but half, sick, will be able to stay at home.

So there remain the 25,000 others, summoned to join a class in a year.

Since this announcement, a sling is organized on the side of some parents.

Five of them agreed to speak to us.

Stunned by accusations of separatism, they criticize an infringement of their right to choose the education of their children.

"We don't isolate it, we open it to the world": Eugénie, 36, in the Gard

Marius, Cécile's son / DR  

Like the feeling of being sacrificed.

To be trapped in an "amalgam".

Eugenie is not found in the words used by Emmanuel Macron.

“Drifts, that necessarily exists.

But Marius, we don't isolate him, we don't indoctrinate him.

On the contrary, we open it to the world.


School at home, Eugenie and her husband thought about it from the first two children.

“Spending seven hours sitting in a classroom, they never got the point.

But at the time, at the height of their 25 years, they did not really feel the shoulders to take on such a choice.

The Gard couple finally decided to take the plunge for the youngest of 6 years ... Well helped by confinement.

Eugenie speaks of it as a "click".

“When Macron chose to reopen the schools, Marius was devastated.

He was afraid his migraines would come back, because of the noise in class, ”she recalls.

Before putting forward another explanation: in the playground, Marius' long hair was probably a lot of talk.

“Several boys had told him they would cut them off.

The older one had also been the victim of harassment at school.

He had been pushed onto the road when he was returning by bike, ”says Eugenie.

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His time at CP, Marius experienced it in a park, with around thirty other families, during a "non-return day".

“Six months ago he didn't say hello to adults.

Now he is going frankly and making great progress in the lessons, ”says Eugenie, a stay-at-home mother but also responsible for the administration of her husband's business.

“An educational and philosophical choice”: Marylène, in Haute-Marne

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{Home school} Those who have followed us for a long time know that our 3 youngest children are not (and will not be) in school.

Likewise, for those who do not know, I am a school teacher and my husband is a French teacher in college.

We do homeschool for Louis, who is almost 6 years old and is supposed to be in GS (but rather has a CP level) and Joseph who is 4, who is normally in Ms, but has a GS level.

You will therefore see activities with us for the 2 years, 4 years and 6 years of the TPS, PS, MS, GS and CP depending on the day 😁.

I share home schooling on my publications and in stories, but you can also find a lot of content on the blog.

If you go to the blog (link in the bio) via a computer you will find a "homeschool" section with materials and ideas by level.

In addition, you will find in the "games and books" section full of ideas.

Finally, you will find free downloadable material (digital and alphabetical writing and friezes).

The blog is also accessible by phone, but the articles will not be classified by category.

Don't hesitate to ask me questions.

Welcome to the team of mother instructors!

So tell me, what classes are your children in normal times?

#colealamaison #ief #confinement #coronavirus #blogdemaitresse #maternal #blogdemaman #momblogger #teamp #continuitepedagogique # continuity

A post shared by Marylène 🌼 (@petitsgeniesenherbe) on Mar 16, 2020 at 1:50 am PDT

It has already been three years since Marylène and her husband have opted for home education.

Their eldest has always been to school, but at the 3 years of the second, then for his two little brothers, the couple changed method.

"I was on parental leave, there was no reason to put it in school," says Marylène, author of the Facebook page "Little geniuses in the making", followed by more than 20,000 people.

“It's a choice that came about naturally.

We wanted to live this great adventure with our children, respecting their rhythm, their desires.

We had nothing against school, ”explains this resident of Haute-Marne.

And for good reason: she and her husband are teachers.

The couple evokes a "pedagogical and philosophical choice", but "especially not religious, contrary to Macron's speech.


The announcement of the potential end of this daily was very badly received.

“My children cried… They are not adrift, they are following a different path.

They will not be marginal, however, "asserts Marylène, who even swears that her sons are" as sociable and cultivated as the other children, or even more, because they have more free time ".

She considers this measure “unconstitutional” and hopes that it will only be an “announcement effect”.

"Macron removes a whole right for a small minority", she judges, conceiving however that there is "work to be done against radicalization and underground schools".

In the meantime, she has contributed to a petition and is organizing with parents' collectives.

“We will fight, we cannot let this radical law pass.


"We violate our rights as parents": Vanessa, 34, in Paris

William, Vanessa's son / DR  

The same rage invades Vanessa, 34, who lives in the 13th arrondissement of Paris.

Before these announcements, his plan was very clear: it was granny who would teach William until the first grade.

“My son developed from a year and a half a fear of adults, after a traumatic stay in the hospital, assures this Parisian.

We said to each other with my partner that he couldn't stand being in class, with grown-ups around.

“First in free class, William is now enrolled in Pi courses, a benchmark in correspondence education.

The criticisms on the risks of isolation formulated by Macron, she does not understand them at all.

“When he goes to the library, he talks super easily with others,” she retorts.

More fulfilled, more curious, his child would have even taken the lead on the program.

“My stepson did almost half as much when he was in the middle section.

William is already able to recognize the letters of the alphabet and put together words to read them.


But when Vanessa is asked about the possibility of disobeying the new laws, the answer is clear: “I don't want to go to jail.

Simply, I find that our rights as parents are violated.

Radicalization is not found in family education.

I went to schools in the 19th arrondissement of Paris as a child, and it was much more violent.


"As long as I get there, I keep going": Sandy, in the south of France

Watching over a four-month-old baby while teaching two children aged 4 and 7… Before Macron showered his hopes, Sandy did not set a deadline for his life as a mother-mistress.

"As long as I get there, I continue," she said to herself, "even if it means getting help from time to time by private teachers.

Like other homes, it was the country's shutdown in the spring that prompted this family to opt for home schooling.

According to her, there is no photo in relation to "overcrowded classes".

The work would be more "in-depth", according to the level of the greatest in addition and writing in attached letters.

On October 14, an agent sworn in by the town hall must carry out an inspection.

She doesn't say she's worried.

This mother very critical of the government - whom she compares to a "dictatorship" - also hopes that a compromise can emerge before the start of the school year.

"One can imagine that private organizations take care of controlling families more," she suggests.

Moreover, she specifies: “If my children tell us that they want to go back to school, obviously we will accept.


"In tune with the values ​​of the Republic": Cécile, 40, in Charente-Maritime

Cécile's two sons have been experimenting with home schooling since the start of the school year / DR  

“It was the hammer blow.

We were entering into something living, creative, in line with the values ​​of the Republic, ”thunders Cécile, who, with her two sons aged 4 and 7, has just started teaching at home.

Until then, they were educated in Charente-Maritime, but the confinement went through there.


school, seen by parents: "I'm learning a lot about my son"

“The classic system already didn't seem ideal to us.

He ignores essential things such as artistic and physical activity, ”says Cécile, a 40-year-old painter.

In a few weeks, this mother, who registered her sons for private lessons Ker Lann, by correspondence, perceived a difference.

“What they integrate into school can be done in two or three hours.

We have time for more reading, cultural visits… ”So, inevitably, the possibility of returning to class frightens him and questions him:“ Why are we singled out?

The motivation is to rule out religious fundamentalisms, which affects a handful of people, but this measure will affect thousands.


Her husband made an appointment with their deputy and, within the couple, the possibility of leaving France has already been mentioned.

“We could no longer recognize ourselves in this constraint to fit into a mold.

Cécile proclaims it: "I would be incapable of telling my sons that they have no choice.


Source: leparis

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