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The shocking videos of the destruction in the usurpation of Villa Mascardi


The owner of a burned-out cabin showed that century-old trees were felled and dozens of material and nature damage.

10/08/2020 18:18

  • Clarí

  • Society

Updated 10/08/2020 18:24

Centennial trees intentionally felled over cabins, burned establishments, broken glass and destruction of all kinds.

This is how

Villa Mascardi


after the

Mapuche usurpation which they call "

land reclamation


In the place you can see old trees deliberately felled to fall on the houses, burned huts of which only the brick home remains and several other ruins.

There are also signs of a Mapuche community: "

Recovered Mapuche territory. Lafken Winkul Mapu

", signed by the community that usurped lands in the Nahuel Huapi National Park.

The videos were released by the owner of one of the burned properties.

"A terrible evil of those who claim to take care of nature and the environment," says the filmmaker.

"The hooded people do what they want, always at night," he continues and ends in another video: "

This is no longer Argentina


It is estimated that at times of greatest population there are up to 30 people who include families with children and, on a daily basis, between 5 and 10 militants who take care of the place.

As there are no services, the occupants must light large fires to heat themselves on the premises.


Clarín was

able to verify

, on occasions the Mapuche maintain two sources of fire lit with the trunks of the cut trees.

These are two activities that are detrimental to the balance of the ecosystem and are prohibited by the administration of National Parks.

A hut burned in the Mapuche usurpation in Villa Mascardi.

Photo video capture.

Of course, the space does not have sewers or any toilet facilities.

In this way, all biological needs are evacuated in the same property.

The trees that abound in the sector are cypresses,

many of them of advanced age.

Each specimen felled is practically unrecoverable.

The same is not the case with pine trees which are an introduced and fast growing species.

As it was proven, through different observations in the place, the members of the community receive food, water and support with vans that have already been identified as property of INAI.

In 2017 and 2018, numerous cars were parked outside the outlet that moved in addition to food, materials and even mattresses.

Some of the trucks detected had a Chilean license.

Government sources and residents of the Alto neighborhood told


at different times that representatives of local Kirchnerism encouraged the occupation among unemployed young people and of humble origins by offering them money.

Different voices assure that Rafael Nahuel (22) who died during a confrontation with the Naval Prefecture on November 25, 2016, was paid 500 pesos to go to Mascardi.

In the last three years

the Lafken Winkul Mapu community has annexed a total of more than 30 hectares

that includes a fraction of the beach.

The sector was heavily visited by tourists before the conflict began.

Between 2017 and 2020 there have been 110 attacks that include robberies, threats, fires, among others.

There are 17 cases in the Public Prosecutor's Office but none have advanced.

In the sector

about 200 residents live in fear

and some have let it be known that they began to arm themselves.

Attacks are routine for the villagers.

Militants enter nearby huts with their faces covered and demand food and water.

On occasions they have taken less machinery that was on the premises.

Over the years they have been stripping nearby properties.

A good part of the wood ended up in the fire, since no solid constructions are evident in the shot.

Hotel ISO, for example, lost windows, doors, and siding.

Other cabins nearby, such as La Caldelaria, suffered arson attacks.

The cabins that are in the property that was owned by Gas del Estado were crushed by felling trees that are next to the buildings.



Look also

Land seizure in the South: the government will allow the Mapuches to stay in exchange for peace

Land seizure in the South: the logic of Guernica also prevails in the Patagonian paradise

Source: clarin

All life articles on 2020-10-08

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