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Île-de-France strengthens training to save jobs


The region will finance numerous training courses for job seekers.Faced with the effects of the crisis on employment, Île-de-France is no exception ... The region has suffered the full brunt of the sudden end to economic activity and the almost two months of confinement. " The economic crisis linked to the health crisis is reflected in a strong deterioration of the labor market, therefore a social crisis ", said Thursday morning during a videoconference, the pre

Faced with the effects of the crisis on employment, Île-de-France is no exception ... The region has suffered the full brunt of the sudden end to economic activity and the almost two months of confinement.


The economic crisis linked to the health crisis is reflected in a strong deterioration of the labor market, therefore a social crisis

", said Thursday morning during a videoconference, the president of the Île-de-France Region, Valérie Pécresse.

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In an attempt to reduce unemployment as much as possible, the region will double the training places in the sectors under stress, therefore offering 40,000, and allocating a bonus of 1,000 euros for job seekers in training in these same sectors.

One way to encourage the French to go to jobs that recruit.

In addition, Île-de-France will offer tailor-made paid training to create or take over a business.

And this since, with the Covid but also with the wave of strikes at the end of 2019 and the yellow vests, the region fears a wave of closures and bankruptcies.

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In addition, to facilitate the integration of young people, Île-de-France wishes to generalize the experimentation of the free driving license for all young people domiciled in the Val d'Oise pursuing vocational training funded by the Region and for under 26 years old living in the priority district of the city (QPV).

Finally, from December 1, the region will offer 10,000 e-learning training courses in digital professions.

750,000 unemployed in Île-de-France

In the second quarter of 2020, the region recorded 100,000 more job seekers than at the end of 2019, which puts the number of unemployed at 750,000 in Île-de-France.


The symbolic milestone of one million job seekers in Ile-de-France is therefore likely, especially if the sectors most affected by the crisis begin to lay off,

" added the former minister.

And another negative point, this sharp rise in unemployment is mainly driven by young people under 25 who are entering the labor market.

Their unemployment rate has thus increased by nearly 15% over one year.

Source: lefigaro

All life articles on 2020-11-05

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