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Castilla y León asks the population of Burgos to confine themselves and limit the meetings of non-cohabitants to three people


The Board will ask Health to impose home confinement due to the uncontrolled growth of the coronavirus in the city

The uncontrolled growth of the coronavirus in Burgos has once again put the possibility of home confinement on the table, a measure that last week the Ministry of Health rejected, waiting to see the results of the restrictions imposed after the state of alarm.

The Junta de Castilla y León (PP-Ciudadanos), this Thursday asked the population to confine themselves voluntarily, after the accumulated incidence in 14 days has reached 1,700 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (the average in Spain is at 514), in addition to prohibiting meetings of more than three non-cohabitating people.

The vice president of the Board, Francisco Igea, and the Minister of Health, Verónica Casado, have assured that they will request Health to impose this measure, in a telematic meeting this Thursday afternoon in which the mayor of Burgos, Daniel de la Rosa (PSOE), but not the minister, Salvador Illa, who is traveling.

Both Illa and the other members of the Government have insisted in recent weeks that the confinement of the population, such as that experienced in the hardest months of the first wave of the pandemic, are ruled out for the moment.

Castilla y León has requested for weeks that the communities have a legal tool that allows them to enforce this maximum restriction if the epidemiological situation required it.

Igea and Casado have also reported, in an appearance after the regional government council that has been delayed compared to usual, that a massive search will be carried out, in addition to studying new restrictive measures and more analysis of wastewater to try contain the expansion of covid-19 in the city.

The province reaches more than 1,200 positives per 100,000 inhabitants.

This Thursday, 2,074 new infected and 39 deaths have been known in Castilla y León.

Igea has stated that they are also weighing the perimeter closure of both the city and the province and has explained their position on the confinements: “If I could make the decision to confine knowing that this measure cuts the transmission and keeping at home without economic damage to the workers, I would have taken it already ”.

Married, who since the health crisis unleashed has defended firm interventions such as perimeter or home closures, has called for “intelligent confinement” so that the efforts are useful: “From home to work and if I have to interact, better do it remotely ”.

The Health Officer of the Board has shown great concern about the situation in Burgos, and has admitted that they do not understand why this city shows such high numbers while the community is stabilizing the contagion curve.

The Board tightened restrictions against the coronavirus last Friday throughout the community.

Among other measures, it was decreed the closure of the hotel industry, except the premises that prepare food to collect or send to home, and the closure of shopping centers and parks, except the establishments that sell goods and services of first necessity.

Establishments of less than 2,500 square meters attached to shopping centers and with direct access from the street may remain open.

Retail is also open.

The community maintains a curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. and a maximum of six people in social gatherings, as well as the perimeter confinement of the region.

These restrictions, imposed in principle for two weeks, will be maintained as long as necessary to reduce the incidence of the virus, added Igea and Casado.

The mayor asks for "serenity"

The mayor of Burgos explained this Thursday that the objective of this afternoon's meeting is "to analyze what has happened and to get the idea of ​​new measures right."

The councilor has called for "serenity and responsibility" and has admitted the social "anguish" to know what will happen.

De la Rosa has admitted that they will discuss with Health about the instruments that can reduce the impact of the pandemic, such as home confinement: "The situation is similar or worse to that of March and we have to think about restrictions equal to those taken then."

"If necessary, perhaps the Government of Spain should reconsider a change in the decree to enable these actions," he stressed.

The mayor has not wanted to rule out the closure of the different economic activities if there are no improvements in the figures.

The mayor has insisted that, in the absence of vaccines, we must avoid social contacts and has admitted that the trend is on track to reach 1,800 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in 14 days.

De la Rosa has asked his citizens to stay at home except for what is essential and recalled that the great sources of contagion are social encounters.

Information about the coronavirus

- Here you can follow the last hour on the evolution of the pandemic

- This is how the coronavirus curve evolves in the world

- Download the tracking application for Spain

- Guide to action against the disease

Source: elparis

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