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Italy, France, Canada… Which countries are closing their borders to the United Kingdom?


After the appearance in Great Britain of a mutant strain of the new coronavirus, presumed to be more contagious, many states have chosen to

Europe is barricaded after the discovery in the United Kingdom of a new "out of control" variant of the coronavirus, in the words of the British Minister for Health, Matt Hancock.

In question, the presumed strong infectivity of this strain, which justified a re-containment of London and part of England.

Several European countries quickly decided to close their borders to the United Kingdom.

According to a government source from Germany, who holds the rotating six-month presidency of the EU until the end of this year, this measure could even be adopted by all the countries of the European Union.

Discussions are underway on this subject.

Which countries have suspended their air links with the UK?

The Parisian takes stock.

In Europe


The Netherlands is the first European country to suspend all passenger flights from the UK on Sunday.

Authorities have also announced that passengers on ferries from the UK will also be denied access to the Netherlands upon arrival at Dutch ports.


Belgium suspended air links and rail traffic from the United Kingdom as of midnight Sunday.

Prime Minister Alexander De Croo told Belgian television VRT that the duration of the suspension would be at least 24 hours.

This measure concerns flights and the Eurostar train leaving from London.


Germany suspended at midnight Sunday all its air links with Great Britain.

An exception is made for cargo flights for the transport of goods.

At the same time, as of Monday "we will restrict all entries" into German territory by British and South African citizens by sea, rail or road, underlined the German Minister of Health.

Details are being finalized on this.

During the night from Sunday to Monday, dozens of passengers from Great Britain were immediately stranded at German airports.


Ireland suspended its air links with Great Britain for "at least" 48 hours from Sunday at midnight.

“Thefts are prohibited for at least 48 hours.

The ban is in place for tomorrow Monday […] and Tuesday, "the government said in a statement, specifying that this measure would be reassessed on Tuesday.

Maritime links will continue to be provided.

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Immediate neighbor of the United Kingdom, France in turn suspended Sunday for 48 hours all travel from British soil.

This suspension came into effect at midnight.

It concerns all travel, "including related to the transport of goods, by road, air, sea or rail," said Matignon in a press release.

“Only unaccompanied freight will therefore be authorized.

The flow of people or transport to the United Kingdom is not affected, ”said Matignon.


Italy detected a first case of contamination with the new strain on Sunday, deciding to suspend flights from this country.

"I signed a new ordinance which blocks flights from Great Britain and prohibits entry into Italy to people who have stayed there in the last 14 days," said in the afternoon in a statement the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza.

"Anyone already in Italy from this territory is required to perform an antigenic or molecular test," added the Minister.

Those who are considering the measure.





are on the same line.

Discussions are underway with the European authorities to have a coordinated response from the entire European Union.

The ambassadors of the member countries of the European Union will meet in Brussels on Monday.

Elsewhere in the world

Outside the EU, other countries have suspended their air links with Great Britain: this is the case of




(for two weeks),



El Salvador



, these last three countries have also suspended their links with South Africa, where a new variant of SARS-CoV-2 has also been detected.


Saudi Arabia

has meanwhile suspended all international flights as well as access to its ports for at least a week.



, the


, the




have also suspended flights from the UK.

Source: leparis

All life articles on 2020-12-21

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