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Courage Italy: Brugnaro, thanks to the Cav, but it's another time


"Thanks to Berlusconi, he was brave, but now we have to move on, it's another time." Thus Luigi Brugnaro mayor of Venice among the founders of Coraggio Italia during the press conference to present the group. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 27 - "Thanks to Berlusconi, he was a brave one, but now we have to go on, it's another time".

   Thus Luigi Brugnaro mayor of Venice among the founders of Coraggio Italia during the press conference presenting the group.

"We are not against anyone, we thank but we must look to the future, we need young people".

Brugnaro wished "all the best for FI and the other center-right parties. We intend to recover the voters who have already gone away".


Source: ansa

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