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How does the new weight loss injection work and for whom is it not suitable? - Walla! health


Weight Loss Injury - This day has come, but it comes with some contraindications. Who can use the new shot? How much do you lose weight and also - what are the side effects? An expert explains

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How does the new weight loss injection work and for whom is it not suitable?

A weight loss shot - This wonderful day has come, but, like any good thing in life, it comes with some contraindications.

Who can use the new shot?

How much do you lose weight and also - what are the side effects?

An expert explains


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Leahy root

Monday, 07 June 2021, 10:53 Updated: 11:46

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It sounds like science fiction and even fantasy to many, but the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved for use last weekend a weight loss shot that was described as "changing the rules of the game."

But before you jump in, the drug has not yet been approved for use in the country, and even when it is approved - it will oblige the patient to continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

And in short, this is not a miracle shot that will save you diet and exercise.

The drug, called Wegovy, is used as a weight management treatment and is manufactured by the Danish pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk.

Although this is the first FDA approved weight loss drug since 2014, it is not a completely new drug.

The same drug, also called semaglutide, has been used for years in the United States and Israel as an anti-diabetic drug. However, recent studies have shown that the drug, in a different and higher dose, also functions as a strong and effective appetite suppressant.

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The discovery of the drug's far-reaching effects did not begin in a single day and the drug companies that produced smaglutide and the like noticed that while treating them for diabetics, patients lost weight.

It was usually a moderate 3-4 kg drop (when given in doses of fighting diabetes) - which led researchers to ask themselves whether the active ingredient could be used in a higher dose. These drugs were tested in large studies, and in addition to weight loss they were found to reduce disease and mortality. From cardiovascular disease.

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In a study published earlier this year involving nearly 2,000 obese adults from 16 different countries, the researchers reported that long-term treatment with the drug led to an average weight loss of nearly 15 percent in the group.

Some participants even lost even more weight, with over 30 percent of the group losing more than 20 percent of their body weight - results that scientists define as amazing.

Can replace the diet?

People who are obese (Photo: ShutterStock)

So, how does it work?

"The injection given once a week works on several levels," explains Dr. Alex Gurstein, a senior coordinator in endocrinology and diabetes in Clalit's Central District, and a senior physician at the Clalit Group's Endocrinology Institute at Beilin Hospital. Satiety.

The second is the delay in the passage of food through the stomach (this is important for diabetics).

In addition, the drug has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Not everything is known yet, but there are several drugs from the same family that are marketed under different names that we treat for diabetes for quite a few years. "

There is also the drug Saxenda, which is intended for the treatment of obesity and is used in Israel in recent years, but is a shot taken every day. The new ones show better results than those observed in its use.

Who can use the drug?

"Patients with a BMI over 30 or patients with a BMI over 27 with concomitant diseases such as fatty liver, blood pressure, diabetes and more."

Who can not use the drug?

"The drug is not suitable for everyone," explains Dr. Gurstein. "It is forbidden for patients who have a previous history of pancreatitis, especially when the cause and disease are unknown and may increase the risk of such an event.

It is also prohibited for use in patients with rare thyroid cancer or related genetic syndrome and also in people with chronic stomach problems we tend to be careful. "

The results come quickly.

Weight (Photo: ShutterStock)

How long do you see results?

"The results come quickly, within 10-12 weeks. The decrease in appetite begins even faster and within a month or two begin to lose weight."

Dr. Gurstein emphasizes that if after 3 months the patient does not lose five percent of the weight, stop using the drug because it actually shows that it is not suitable for him.

Does the injection have side effects?

"The main side effects are in the gastrointestinal tract, and they include symptoms such as nausea, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea or constipation. This is why we start with a small dose of the drug and increase the dose according to tolerance and side effects," explains Dr. Gurstein. Side effects are common, and between 25-50 percent of patients suffer from them, these are usually temporary symptoms that improve over time, and less than 10 percent stop treatment because of side effects.

When to stop using?

Dr. Gurstein Alex (Photo: courtesy of the photographer)

"It is a drug that does not replace lifestyle changes such as a balanced diet and exercise, especially aerobics," Dr. Gurstein emphasizes. "It is the basis of all treatment." He says, once you stop the treatment and do not make real changes - you gain weight back. Solves the cause of obesity.

Obesity is a disease - when you treat it you reduce the chances and when you stop the treatment and do not change your lifestyle - the weight will go back up. "

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Source: walla

All life articles on 2021-06-08

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