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China bans feminine men and talent shows on TV


China's government wants to suppress modern TV entertainment in the country. No more talent shows and men have to appear masculine - everything else is insulted by the authorities as "abnormal", "immoral" and "effeminate".

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Singer Kris Wu was arrested on suspicion of rape

Photo: VCG / VCG via Getty Images

China's government has targeted modern TV productions.

The State Television and Radio Administration (NRTA) in Beijing asked TV providers on Thursday not to show male actors "with a feminine style and other abnormal aesthetics."

The statement appears to go against a trend towards a more feminine or androgynous appearance for singers or actors that is spilling over from South Korea and Japan to China.

The television stations should adhere to "political quality, moral character and artistic standards as selection criteria".

Under no circumstances should people be shown "whose political views are incorrect".

A "patriotic, virtuous and artistic ethos" should be created in the entertainment industry.

The government is also taking action against reality talent shows.

"Broadcasters are not allowed to show any formats with the creation of alleged hero characters or vaudeville and reality shows," the state regulatory authority explained.

She instructed the broadcasters to defend themselves against "abnormal aesthetics" such as "effeminate" men as well as against "vulgar influencers", inflated fees and "depraved morals" from artists.

That would lead young people astray.

Talent shows, in which hundreds of aspiring young people and adults go through tough boot camps and face public votes, are very popular in China, but the authorities are bothered by an obsessive, perceived as chaotic fan culture and allegedly bad role models, which is why the entertainment industry should be regulated more than before became.

The background is also some scandals surrounding Chinese stars as well as the "national renewal" and ideologization of society carried out by the head of state and party leader Xi Jinping.

Most recently, some of China's greatest entertainers have faced serious allegations.

Among them are singer Kris Wu, who was arrested on suspicion of rape, and actress Zheng Shuang, who was fined the equivalent of around 39 million euros.

cpa / dpa

Source: spiegel

All life articles on 2021-09-02

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