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Influenza for heart disease: getting vaccinated reduces your risk of death


The fourth corona wave is in full swing. But shortly before winter, the flu will go away again. High time for high-risk patients to get vaccinated.

The fourth corona wave is in full swing.

But shortly before winter, the flu will go away again.

High time for high-risk patients to get vaccinated.

Vienna - For many years, general practitioners have been advising chronically ill people, the elderly and other high-risk patients to get vaccinated against the flu.

After all, their immune system is weaker than that of a healthy person.

Especially now, in the cold and wet season, viruses and pathogens have an easy time of it again.

Because of Corona, many citizens followed the rules and hygiene measures last year, such as regular hand washing, keeping your distance and wearing a mask.

That is why we were largely spared the flu in this country, only a few cases have been registered.

Influenza for heart disease: getting vaccinated reduces your risk of death

But now the fourth corona wave is rolling in, the numbers are increasing rapidly.

And the flu season is also starting soon.

That is why doctors now urgently recommend people with previous illnesses to get (additionally) vaccinated against influenza.

Patients with cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure or cardiac insufficiency as well as cardiac arrhythmias benefit from this in particular.

Especially when the vaccination is regularly refreshed, as a representative survey on behalf of the Austrian Association of Vaccine Manufacturers (ÖVIH) has shown.


Experts agree that people with heart failure benefit from the flu shot.

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"Many people still underestimate the danger of the influenza virus and do not get vaccinated against influenza," explains Dr. Christopher Adlbrecht, Head of the Heart Failure Working Group, Austrian Cardiological Society. “Some do not differentiate between a flu-like infection and the 'real' flu / influenza. The latter can be very dangerous, especially for people with previous cardiovascular diseases. ”(Influenza vaccination: gynecologist urges pregnant women to do so this year)

This is also shown by statistics from England.

According to her, the death rate in people with cardiovascular disease from infection with influenza is said to be more than ten times higher.

In addition, several studies have found that influenza vaccination in cardiovascular disease can significantly reduce the risk of death.

Heart disease flu: long-term studies show promise

In a long-term study with 134,000 subjects in Denmark, the effectiveness of the flu vaccination was tested in people with existing heart failure. The result: those who regularly get vaccinated or receive a booster reduce their risk of death by 18 percent. What also speaks in favor of vaccination for chronically ill patients: In another Danish study, this time with over 600,000 participants, it was also confirmed that an influenza vaccination has a positive effect on the mortality risk of patients with high blood pressure who have to take medication.

"This analysis shows that people with high blood pressure, even if they are otherwise in excellent health, benefit from an influenza vaccination," explains expert Adlbrecht.

If you want to protect yourself, you can now have your family doctor vaccinated.

In principle, the WHO recommends a vaccination coverage of 75 percent for people over 65 years of age and with previous illnesses.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication.

In no way does it replace a visit to the doctor.

Unfortunately, our editors are not allowed to answer individual questions about clinical pictures.

List of rubric lists: © Imago

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2021-11-04

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