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Emergency backpack for emergencies: what goes in it?


Emergency backpack for emergencies: what goes in it? Created: 03/10/2022 05:31 If you have to leave the house quickly in the event of a disaster, you usually don't have time to pack. With an emergency backpack you have everything important at hand. There are emergency and crisis situations* in which people have to leave their house quickly to save their lives - for example in the event of a hou

Emergency backpack for emergencies: what goes in it?

Created: 03/10/2022 05:31

If you have to leave the house quickly in the event of a disaster, you usually don't have time to pack.

With an emergency backpack you have everything important at hand.

There are emergency and crisis situations* in which people have to leave their house quickly to save their lives - for example in the event of a house fire or imminent flooding.

Finding ammunition in the neighborhood can also lead to a sudden evacuation.

Then there is often no more time to pack.

And even if: In these stressful situations, you tend to forget the most important things.


packed emergency backpack

helps ensure that you always have the most important things to hand.

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What to do if there is a fire in the apartment or house?

Packing list for emergency backpack: what goes in it?

The Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance has published a

packing list

which items should not be missing in any emergency backpack.

This includes important documents as well as useful utensils, clothing or food:

  • Document folder with the most important papers (see below)

  • First Aid Material

  • personal medication

  • water bottle

  • Meals for 2 days in dustproof packaging

  • tableware and cutlery

  • battery operated radio, backup batteries

  • Flashlight, backup batteries

  • sleeping bag or blanket

  • Wear clothes for a few days (according to the onion principle), also plan rainwear

  • headgear

  • gloves

  • Hygiene items (e.g. menstrual hygiene items, diapers) for a few days

  • (FFP2) protective mask, makeshift respiratory protection

  • for children: neck pouch or an SOS capsule (advertising link) with name, date of birth and address (SOS capsules are available in department stores, pharmacies and drugstores).

The emergency luggage is intended to help you get by the

first few days away from home

, for example in an emergency shelter or with friends.

A backpack is more practical than a suitcase because you have both hands free.

You should plan one emergency backpack for each family member


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What belongs in the document folder?



folder should contain original family certificates (birth, marriage and death certificates) or family register, certified copies of certificates, wills, living wills, but also bank accounts and important insurance policies.

A copy of your identity card, passport, driving license and vehicle documents is also useful.

A detailed list of what belongs in the document folder can be found here.

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In an emergency don't forget: ID card, money and keys

Unfortunately, some things cannot be packed in advance.

In an emergency, you should also think of the following important things:

  • ID card / passport

  • Cash, bank cards

  • Health insurance card

  • vaccination card

  • Front door key, possibly car key

  • Cell phone/smartphone if you have one so you can stay in touch with family members

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Stock up on emergency supplies – which foods make sense?

In the event of a widespread power failure ("blackout"), when supermarkets and gas stations are closed, or if there are problems with the water supply, it can also make sense to have the most important groceries in the house.

In such cases, the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance recommends creating an

emergency supply of food and drinks for 10 days


For a list of foods to keep on hand for emergencies, see this article.

* is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

This article contains affiliate links.

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2022-03-10

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