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Rome: Caritas, 1 in 4 people live in economic hardship


One in four people in Rome (23.6%) lives in a state of "economic hardship", 10.3% is in "severe material deprivation", 14.1% is at risk of poverty while 6% " arrives with difficulty at the end of the month ". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, APRIL 01 - One in four people in Rome (23.6%) lives in a state of "economic hardship", 10.3% is in "severe material deprivation", 14.1% is at risk of poverty while 6% "reach the end of the month with difficulty".

This is what emerges from the Caritas Rome report on poverty in the capital.

A photograph that sees not only a worse situation in some cases than the Italian average but also the widening of the gap between 2.4% of citizens who have an income exceeding 100 thousand euros and 18% of total income and the rest of the population.

Four out of 10 Romans have an income of less than 15 thousand euros.

The most 'rich' are over-60.

    In Rome the so-called "poor job" is more and more widespread.

The employment rate is 69.9% and the non-participation rate is 14.4%.

But the most relevant data concern precarious and poorly paid work.

Observing the incidence of workers who have had fixed-term contracts for more than 5 years, it can be seen that in Rome the rate is equal to 21%, a condition that concerns those who find themselves in the so-called precarious trap.

To this must be added the situation of employees with a salary lower than 2/3 of the median of the total, which in Rome reaches 13.5% of workers, with values ​​higher than those of Lazio (11.1%) and that of some other large municipalities such as Milan (12.5%), Bologna (11.5%), Genoa (10.9%), Florence (8.3%) and Turin (8.1%).

   Satisfaction with the work done in Rome concerns only 7.5% of workers while the percentage of over-educated employees affects almost 1/3 of the sample (27.2%) compared to 24.6% of the average for large municipalities.

    Finally, almost 45% of the Roman population lives alone, a figure which is increasing compared to 44.6% in the previous year.


Source: ansa

All life articles on 2022-04-01

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