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Kyrylivka mayor kidnapped by Russian soldiers


The mayor of Kyrylivka, in the Zaporizhzhia region (South-Eastern Ukraine) Ivan Malieiev, was kidnapped by Russian soldiers. This was stated by the regional military administration of Zaporizhzhia, quoted by Ukrinform. (HANDLE)

 The mayor of Kyrylivka, in the Zaporizhzhia region (south-eastern Ukraine) Ivan Malieiev, was kidnapped by Russian soldiers.

This was stated by the regional military administration of Zaporizhzhia, quoted by Ukrinform.

Malieiev had previously refused to cooperate with the Russian occupiers.

    According to the local Melitopol publication, Russian military vehicles surrounded the village.

The troops went from house to house. 

The 16-year-old son of the governor of the Southeast Zaporizhia region was also kidnapped by Russian soldiers at a roadblock.

This was announced by Governor Oleg Buryak himself speaking with Ukrinform.

According to the story of his father, the boy was driving a car that was part of an evacuation convoy from Melitopol to Zaporizhia on 8 April.

In the car there were two women he knew and three small children.

The convoy was stopped by the Russian army at the Vasylivka checkpoint, the soldiers approached to check.

"They saw my son's phone and pulled it out of the car," said Buryak, "they have the tablets and they found out that I'm Vlad's father. All this time we've been trying to solve the problem on our own," but it did not work".

According to eyewitnesses, the car was held at the roadblock for three hours.

After that, everyone except the boy was released.

Acquaintances said they begged to release Vlad, but to no avail.

Source: ansa

All life articles on 2022-04-17

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