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The oldest woman in the world explains how she reached the age of 128 - Walla! health


Johanna Mazibuko from South Africa celebrated a birthday this week and provided a little glimpse into past life, one that might hint at how she managed to reach this extreme age

The oldest woman in the world explains how she reached the age of 128

Johanna Mazibuko from South Africa celebrated a birthday this week and provided a little glimpse into past life, one that might hint at how she managed to reach this extreme age




Wednesday, 18 May 2022, 07:27 Updated: 07:52

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The oldest woman in the world this week revealed the secret of her extraordinary longevity after celebrating her 128th birthday.

Johanna Mizrahi of South Africa carries documents claiming she was born in 1894, making her the oldest person in the world, if the documents are verified.

Although she suffers from hearing problems, Johanna is still very independent and can walk around her house well.

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She claims that a simple diet was the key to her health, having grown up on a farm where she used to eat wild spinach and drink fresh milk.

Johanna says she grew up on a farm in the town of Autosdale as the eldest of 12 children, and that she misses the simple life she had there.

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From her home in Juberton, Clarksdorf, she explained: "We lived so well on the farm. There were no problems."

Although she said they had once been bothered by a locust plague on the farm, they had come up with a rather innovative solution to deal with it.

"There were some that we could catch and eat. It was like you were eating meat. We would just fry them and eat them that way," she said.

"I was married to an older man. His first wife died. He was an independent man. He had a cart of horses and cows, which I would milk and make butter to sell," she added, "This man treated me very well and made me forget about my life before him. I wanted nothing." .


Johanna had seven children with her husband Stavana, two of whom are still alive.

And she currently has 50 grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Among its local community, there is hope that one day Johanna will be officially recognized in the Guinness Book of Records.

Her village prophet said: "I believe she could have long been included in the Guinness Book of Records, but we know it's never too late. As long as we as people in Africa know it's true, we're glad there's someone 128, whether they're trying to hide Her or not, we know there is. "

As for when the inevitable happens, Johanna has already made a plan of what to do.

She concluded: "When I die, they must slaughter a cow for me. They must bury me well, so that I will never disturb them."

  • health

  • Healthy life


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Source: walla

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