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Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee: Five things you don't know about the Queen


The celebrations for the anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II are a major media event. But there are details about the monarch that not everyone knows. Royal SPIEGEL expert Patricia Dreyer explains.

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She has been on the throne longer than any other British monarch before her.

She has seen fourteen prime ministers come and go.

So far, only the French Sun King Louis XIV has sat on the throne longer than Elizabeth II. She is probably the most famous woman in the world, but there are things in her life that not everyone knows.

Patricia Dreyer, DER SPIEGEL


That is what is so fascinating about this woman: What is life like when you grow up in such a hermetically sealed golden cage



otherwise we just know little about her, although she is so omnipresent, especially now in the anniversary year.

That's why it's so special to see this woman who represents but remains silent.

And I think that's Elizabeth II's unique selling proposition."

Detail 1: pet names

Her family nickname "Lilibet" has been known around the world since the birth of Prince Harry's daughter.

The nicknames of her deceased husband Prince Phillip are not so nice: He called his wife "Cabbage", which translates as "cabbage" or "Sausage", which means "sausage".

According to the Queen's former private secretary, Philip was the only person on earth who was allowed to talk to Her Majesty as he pleased.

The Queen emphasized how much she appreciated that in the obligatory Christmas speech, 8 months after Philip's death.

Queen Elizabeth II

“Although it is a time of happiness and good cheer for many, Christmas can be difficult for those who have lost a loved one.

Especially this year I understand why.

But for me, in the months since the death of my beloved Philip, I have drawn much comfort from the warmth and affection of the many tributes to his life and work from around the country, the Commonwealth and the world.”

Patricia Dreyer, DER SPIEGEL

'It is indeed true that Philip must have been one of the very few who could really speak to her on her famous eye level.

On the other hand, I

don't think that this queen tolerates people in her immediate vicinity who just always tell soft-washed stuff.«

Detail 2: handbag

Queen Elizabeth always relies on two things: her pumps with block heels and classic handbags from the British brand Launer.

But what is inside the royal accessory?

In 2012, a palace insider revealed the Queen always had a hand mirror, dog biscuits, lipstick, some cash, reading glasses and mints with her.

In addition, the handbag supposedly fulfills another important task.

It is also used for non-verbal communication between the monarch and her employees: if the bag hangs over her bent left arm, everything is wonderful.

If she slides it onto her right arm during a conversation, it means she wants to leave.

If the bag is even on the ground, it wants to be redeemed, so it is said.

Symbolic power is also sometimes ascribed to their hat fashion.

During a speech in the British Parliament, her hat in the colors of Europe was described as an "anti-Brexit hat".

Patricia Dreyer, DER SPIEGEL


It is very bold to assume that this Queen, who has represented every decision of her respective government for decades, would take a public stance against her respective government on such a highly sensitive and explosive issue.

I don't think the Queen would ever take a stand against her government because the fact of the matter is that this isn't just a little nod: hello Europe, I still love you, it's everything the Queen does , precisely because it does so little, is highly political.

It would have been a highly political signal.

That's not how she's made."

Detail 3: Emotions

Feelings don't belong in public - that's the Queen's motto.

She was heavily criticized for this after Lady Di's accidental death.

While the whole world mourned with the young prince, the Queen only spoke days after Diana's death.

She shed her only public tears in 1997 when her royal yacht, the Britannia, was retired.

The "Britannia" was in Her Majesty's service for 44 years.

The royal family had completed more than 700 trips with her.

Patricia Dreyer, DER SPIEGEL


The Britannia was a safe space for her and she could really be Elizabeth, the woman there.

For her, the Britannia stands for freedom, for privacy and that's about the most precious thing she knows.«

Detail 4: love of animals

The Queen loves animals.

One or the other guest of state also felt this – in 1982, for example, she went horseback riding with US President Ronald Reagan on the grounds of Windsor Castle.

Most of all, the Queen of England loves her corgis.

But the little watchdogs don't always turn out to be »everybody's darlings«.

A number of guests, servants and family members have already made unpleasant acquaintances with the dogs.

Elizabeth herself has also been bitten several times on the hand.

Once the wound had to be sewn up with three stitches.

Detail 5: composure

Elizabeth always strives for composure and professionalism in public - as here during Donald Trump's visit in 2018. When he just pushed past the Queen, the monarch remains calm.

Patricia Dreyer, DER SPIEGEL


After 70 years in the job, the woman can no longer be shaken.

During her long, long time on the throne, she received state guests who weren't always so pleasant.

But when it comes to the government improving relations with other countries, the Queen is simply one of the most important weapons to have in your arsenal.

It's just something extraordinary when you are welcomed as a guest of state by some politician who may be voted out again next year.

Or if it really is the representative of a tradition as long as that of the British monarchy.«

The celebrations of her 70th jubilee will last several days.

In this sense – God save the Queen.

Source: spiegel

All life articles on 2022-06-02

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