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Lamorgese: "Worried, landings will increase with the wheat crisis"


Already + 30% in Italy, 20 thousand arrivals since the beginning of the year. Chad declares food and nutrition emergency: 5.5 million in the country will need humanitarian and nutritional assistance (ANSA)

The data show that with the wheat crisis "300 million people are at risk of poverty and hunger, we must necessarily think that there will be an increase in flows, but also in other countries and not only in Italy. There has been an increase in 286% in Cyprus while we are 30% more in Italy, where we have about 20 thousand people "landed since the beginning of the year.

"If it is not possible to take the grain away from the Black Sea ports, we must expect a greater flow. We are worried, like all first-landing countries. Certainly there will be numbers on the rise".

Thus the Minister of the Interior, Luciana Lamorgese, on Sky Tg24, Live from Venice. 

"I heard my colleague Dmytro Kuleba, I reiterated Italy's full support for Ukraine and confirmed support for the population and for the reconstruction of the country. United to stop this atrocious war and find peace. Every effort to unblock the export of wheat from Ukraine, let's work on a solution ".

Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio writes on Twitter.

Wheat stolen from Ukraine is sold by Russia to several countries, including Turkey.

This was reported by the ambassador of Kiev to Ankara, Vasyl Bodnar, quoted by the local media.

According to the diplomat, the people involved in the illegal transfer of grain through Turkish territorial waters, which would amount to hundreds of thousands of tons, are being investigated by Interpol.

In the past few hours, the Ukrainian embassy in Beirut had stated that the Russian ship Matros Puzynich had transported 100,000 tons of stolen grain in the Syrian port of Latakia at the end of May, passing through Turkish waters.

Meanwhile, the interim president of Chad, Mahamat Idriss Deby, declared

the food and nutrition emergency

with a decree .

"This decision follows the constant deterioration of the food and nutritional situation this year and takes into account the growing risk for the populations if humanitarian aid is not provided ...", reads the decree, cited by the BBC.

The UN has warned that 5.5 million people in Chad - more than a third of the population - will need humanitarian assistance this year


The World Food Program (WFP) said in March that some 2.1 million Chadians are at risk of "severe food insecurity" during the dry season, which begins this month.

Today Macky Sall, Senegalese and African Union (AU) president met his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin to discuss supplies of grain, blocked in Ukrainian ports.

Source: ansa

All life articles on 2022-06-03

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