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If a child becomes infected with Corona, they are no longer protected from Long Covid


Long Covid in children: possible despite a symptom-free course Created: 07/27/2022, 17:30 By: Judith Brown Children can also contract Long Covid after a corona infection. What symptoms then occur and how parents can protect their children. Current studies suggest that long-term health consequences after a corona infection occur more frequently and for longer than with other viral diseases such

Long Covid in children: possible despite a symptom-free course

Created: 07/27/2022, 17:30

By: Judith Brown

Children can also contract Long Covid after a corona infection.

What symptoms then occur and how parents can protect their children.

Current studies suggest that long-term health consequences after a corona infection occur more frequently and for longer than with other viral diseases such as influenza.

Long Covid does not only affect adults.

Sometimes children also suffer from shortness of breath, exhaustion or concentration problems long after the infection - even if their Covid 19 disease was symptom-free.

How to recognize possible signs and what is the best way to protect your child from Long Covid?

Long Covid in children: possible despite a symptom-free course

Older children and adolescents are at higher risk of contracting Long Covid than younger children.

(Iconic image) © Ute Grabowsky/

Although children are less likely to be affected by severe Covid-19 courses, the Long Covid phenomenon can also occur in them.

Just like in adults, the symptoms include concentration and memory problems, shortness of breath, physical exhaustion or fatigue, sleep disorders, taste and smell disorders as well as muscle and joint pain.

However, the symptoms cannot always be clearly assigned and sometimes even resemble the symptoms of diabetes.

Since children often contract Covid-19 without symptoms, it is more difficult to recognize Long Covid.

Finally, the symptoms can also be consequences of the pandemic, in which they were exposed to school closures and contact restrictions.

These strains can produce symptoms similar to Long Covid.

However, some children are more at risk of long-term effects than others.

In the meantime, studies have already examined the risk factors for long-Covid disease in adults.

Scientists found that, for example, mental resilience and the severity of the symptoms play a role in the acute phase of the infection.

According to studies focusing on long covid in children, older children and adolescents are at higher risk of developing long covid.

It also affects children and adolescents with previous illnesses more frequently, as well as young patients who had to be treated in a clinic because of a severe course.

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Long Covid in children: Here's how parents can protect them from it

The bad news is that once a child or adult has contracted Corona and contracted Covid-19, there is no longer any protection against Long Covid.

It is therefore all the more important to protect yourself from infection with the virus.

The recommended AHA rules can help: Make sure that your child always keeps enough distance - at least 1.5 meters -, observes the hygiene rules and wears an everyday mask.

Classrooms should also be ventilated regularly.

In addition, the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) recommends the corona vaccination for all children from the age of five.

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This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication.

In no way does it replace a visit to the doctor.

Unfortunately, our editors are not allowed to answer individual questions about clinical pictures.

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2022-07-27

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