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Football EM on ZDF: More than twelve million people see the final of the DFB selection


The DFB women gave ZDF a dream rating: The market share in the semi-final win against France was almost 50 percent. The value could be topped again on Sunday.

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Germany's national players cheer with their fans after reaching the final

Photo: Harriet Lander/Getty Images

The live broadcast of the DFB women's 2-1 victory over France at the European Football Championship set a record audience.

An average of 12.187 million people watched the entry into the EM final on ZDF on Wednesday evening and accounted for a market share of 47.2 percent.

That means almost half of all TV viewers in the evening watched the game.

According to AGF video research, the transmission was the most successful TV show of the day.

It achieved the highest reach of a women's European Championship game on German television to date.

The top value so far was the live broadcast of the 2-0 victory of the DFB women against Austria with 9.5 million (market share 38.2 percent).

The highest value of the previous European Championship was the game against Russia at 7.06 million.

The interest is huge after the convincing performances during the tournament, on Sunday (6 p.m. against Endland, TV: ARD and DAZN) Germany could become European champion for the ninth time (all European champions can be found here) - and set a new quota record.

Nevertheless, the values ​​are still far removed from those of the men's national team.

The DFB selection achieved a market share of 86.3 percent in the 2014 World Cup triumph in Brazil.

Almost 35 million people watched the dramatic final victory over Argentina.

The actual viewership was even higher: millions watched the game at public viewings or in restaurants - they are not taken into account when measuring audience ratings.


Source: spiegel

All life articles on 2022-07-28

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