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Elections, the deadline for presenting the lists tomorrow. The final touches between controversies and farewells


Laura Castelli resigns from the Novara boarding school. The two Pittella brothers switch to Action. De Magistris leaders in Lazio and Calabria. Calenda: 'Albertini asked for an application with a text message' (ANSA)

Tomorrow the deadline for presenting the electoral lists in the Courts of Appeal expires.

This is therefore the day of the final touches and also of the inevitable controversies with lots of farewells and renunciations.


- The Castelli case

- "I discover from the newspapers, and from some nice tweets, that I would be a candidate for the uninomimal of Novara. No thanks," my house "is Collegno, if the coalition has made other choices I take note and in full team spirit I will give mine contribution in the multi-member Civic Engagement, hoping however that this electoral campaign will be characterized by proposals for citizens and not by attacks, insults and hatred. With Civic Engagement we have a clear proposal, the challenge is to go beyond 3%, we will give our best to achieve the goal ", declared the Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance Laura Castelli, Deputy of Civic Commitment.

Her candidacy had led Saverio Mazza, former head of the Pd Torino organization and currently a member of the Dem metropolitan management, to self-suspend from the party


Former Legambiente president nominated with the Democratic Party

- "I accept Enrico Letta's proposal. I will be a candidate in a single-member boarding school in the capital. A demanding challenge that I will carry out with all my energy. This is my city. Rome is my home", declares Rossella Muroni, ecologist and former president of Legambiente.


Popular Union presents its own lists

- Popular Union presented its lists for the 25 September elections to the Court of Appeal in Naples this morning.

"The same procedure - affirms Luigi de Magistris, spokesman for the People's Union - is taking place all over Italy. It is an extraordinary result obtained against the system that wanted to cancel us. Now let's go and take back democracy".

De Magistris is the leader in Lazio and Calabria for the Chamber.


Italy sovereign first list presented in Umbria

- The first list presented in Umbria was that of sovereign and popular Italy.

The deposit operations began regularly this morning at 8 in the Goretti room of the Court of Appeal of Perugia.

It was then Italexit's turn to deposit the symbol and candidates.

So Alternative and Popular Union.

Among the representatives of the major parties, the first to go to the Court of Appeal for compliance were the representatives of the M5S.

With Senator Emma Pavanelli, national spokesperson and leader in the House in the plurinominal, and Thomas De Luca, Umbrian coordinator and group leader in the Region.


In Genoa the first lists are Vita, Italy sovereign and De Magistris

- Three lists were presented this morning at the Genoa Court of Appeal: Vita, by the former grillina Sara Cunial;

Sovereign and popular Italy;

Popular Union of Luigi De Magistris.

In the center-right everything seemed ready and yesterday afternoon the Liguria League announced a press conference to present the lists of candidates this morning at 12 noon. The meeting has instead been postponed pending "updates".


Minister D'Incà does not re-nominate

- "Although a discussion has opened with the Democratic Party, born after the fall of the Draghi government and my farewell to the M5S, I will not be a candidate in the next political elections on 25 September", he writes on Fb the minister for relations with the Parliament Ferderico D'Incà.


Italexit was the first to present lists in the Marche

region - Italexit was the first to present its lists to the Ancona Court of Appeal.

Following were those of Italy Sovereign and Popular, Alternative for Italy, Life and Popular Union.


Calenda, Albertini asked for candidacy via text message

- Carlo Calenda replies to the former mayor of Milan Gabriele Albertini who, in an interview, accuses him of having wanted to "keep the armored seats for the men of Action", while he tells of having received from Matteo Renzi an offer "to apply for Milan".

"I have not seen Albertini since the time of Civic Choice, I would say almost 10 years - replies Calenda on social media - a week ago he asked for a double candidacy in Milan with a message. Having never been a member of Action, it seemed to me an at least extravagant proposal ".


Former 5S Granato in Calabria with Ingroia

- Outgoing parliamentarian Bianca Laura Granato, ex M5S, is a candidate in Calabria, in the single-member constituency of Catanzaro, with the sovereign and popular Italy list inspired by Antonio Ingroia.

The former prosecutor is the plurinominal leader for the Chamber.

The lists for the Chamber and Senate were presented to the Court of Appeal of Catanzaro.


The brothers Gianni and Marcello Pittella leave the Democratic Party and move to Action

- "The long road in the Democratic Party ends here for me" writes in a long post on Fb the mayor of Lauria and former vice president of the EU Parliament, Gianni Pittella, announcing his passage in the Calenda Action party.

The choice of Pittella comes a few hours after that of his brother, the regional councilor and former governor of Basilicata, Marcello, who, following his non-candidacy with the Democratic Party, yesterday announced his passage to the Calenda party, where he will be leaders in the proportional for the Senate in Basilicata.


Source: ansa

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