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Athletics: Abdelwahed positive for doping at the Munich European Championships


The prohibited drug in question would be Meldonium (ANSA)  Ahmed Abdelwahed, blue silver medalist in the 3000 steeplechase at the European Athletics Championships in Munich, tested positive for a doping control. The test, carried out during the event, found a positive result. The prohibited drug in question would be Meldonium. "Fidal announces that it has received notification of the positivity to a doping control by the athlete Ahmed Abdelwahed, registe

 Ahmed Abdelwahed, blue silver medalist in the 3000 steeplechase at the European Athletics Championships in Munich, tested positive for a doping control.

The test, carried out during the event, found a positive result.

The prohibited drug in question would be Meldonium.

"Fidal announces that it has received notification of the positivity to a doping control by the athlete Ahmed Abdelwahed, registered for the Yellow Flames and silver at the recent European Championships in Munich in the 3000 meters steeplechase", says Fidal, while the athlete he talks about it on his Instagram profile: "Some things seem impossible until they happen to you. I was suspended as a precaution for the presence of a substance I had never heard of - writes Abdelwahed -.

Source: ansa

All life articles on 2022-09-10

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