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Wearing masks again when shopping? Kaufland and Lidl with a clear line


Wearing masks again when shopping? Kaufland and Lidl with a clear line Created: 10/17/2022 5:58 am By: Dominik Jahn Masks could be compulsory again for discounters and supermarkets in autumn and winter. At Kaufland and Lidl, a clear line is being followed. There is growing pressure in the government for the mandatory introduction of mouth and nose protection. Corona infections have increased s

Wearing masks again when shopping?

Kaufland and Lidl with a clear line

Created: 10/17/2022 5:58 am

By: Dominik Jahn

Masks could be compulsory again for discounters and supermarkets in autumn and winter.

At Kaufland and Lidl, a clear line is being followed.

There is growing pressure in the government for the mandatory introduction of mouth and nose protection.

Corona infections have increased significantly since September.

Many regulations and measures for autumn and winter are currently being discussed, and not just in Baden-Württemberg.

Mouth and nose protection indoors is also an issue.

Will the mouthguard come back when shopping?

And how do grocers like Kaufland and Lidl react to these considerations?

In the winter of 2021, the 2G rule when shopping was a very big point of contention between the federal government, the states, the retailers and the trade association.

At the time, when asked

, Kaufland gave

a clear message.

Mask requirement in buses and trains: also conceivable for Lidl and Kaufland?

The federal government recently made a number of recommendations that the federal states can implement.

There is leeway, especially when it comes to the obligation to wear a mask.

The obligation in buses and trains will be extended across the board, and the regulations will also apply uniformly in medical practices, hospitals and care facilities.

Masks in gastronomy, when shopping and at events can be decided individually by the federal states.





1984 in Neckarsulm

Sales volume

21 billion euros (2019)

And how do the companies themselves see it?

After the experiences of the past few years, you may already have your own plans in the drawer.

Supermarkets and discounters such as Kaufland and Lidl were also able to implement their own guidelines for customers under the 2G rule.

A can, not a must.

Handelsverband holds back with recommendations for Kaufland and Co

When asked by the editors whether there was already a recommendation for retailers in view of the increasing numbers and the experience gained, a spokesman for the German Retail Association explained: "In every phase of the pandemic, retailers have done everything they can to make Corona so effective and contain it as quickly as possible.”

Reluctance was expressed about the reintroduction of the mask requirement when shopping for Kaufland, Lidl and Co.: “However, the expertise to decide when which measures make sense and how long they should be maintained lies with politicians and the science advising them. However, the measures must always

“be able to be measured according to the criteria of proportionality and effectiveness”


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The Schwarz Group is reluctant to make statements about the obligation to wear a mask at Lidl and Kaufland

And the Schwarz Group, based in Neckarsulm, is also still hesitant.

For the sister companies Kaufland and Lidl, a clear line is being followed even with the current increase in corona numbers and a look at autumn and winter.

The company responded to the query from with a reference to developments that were difficult to predict: "We are fundamentally guided by the regulations of the federal states, the respective regionally applicable general decrees and the Corona Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance and implement them accordingly."

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach is meanwhile pushing massively for the introduction of a mask requirement for indoor areas.

Supermarkets and discounters could also be affected, in autumn and winter.

The minister made a post on Twitter on Saturday and referred to the rapidly increasing numbers around the Oktoberfest in Munich.

He writes: "But the development shows what will happen if the countries wait too long with the mask requirement indoors."

In the past few weeks, there has also been a discussion about shorter opening times.

The supermarket chains and discounters have also commented on this.

At Kaufland, the customers are given priority when considering this.

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2022-10-17

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