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We vote in Parliament, consultations tomorrow, podcasts


Listen to the podcast of Anna Laura Bussa (ANSA) Yet another audio shock with the words of Silvio Berlusconi on Ukraine rekindles the never dormant fibrillation inside and outside the majority. Even if the process for the formation of the government seems to go ahead quickly. The calendar for consultations should already come out tonight, while the FdI group leader, Francesco Lollobrigida, expects that confidence in the new Executive can be vote

Yet another audio shock with the words of Silvio Berlusconi on Ukraine rekindles the never dormant fibrillation inside and outside the majority.

Even if the process for the formation of the government seems to go ahead quickly.

The calendar for consultations should already come out tonight, while the FdI group leader, Francesco Lollobrigida, expects that confidence in the new Executive can be voted by next Tuesday.

At the Quirinale, everything is ready for the start of talks by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella with parliamentary groups and party leaders.

With the election of the Vice-Presidents, Secretaries and Quaestors, in fact, the Chambers are in fact formed.

And we can think of giving life to the new government.

The whole day between the House and the Senate is dedicated to this, with the parliamentary forces confronting each other to decide who to have the last missing boxes covered.

In the center-right, things, this time, go quite smoothly and an agreement is immediately found, while in the opposition there is the tear of the Third Pole which does not participate in the votes in any branch of Parliament because, as Renzi and Calenda explain, the Democratic Party and the M5S would have killed them out of any position.

As compensation, the group leader Richetti asks for the presidency of Copasir or the Rai Supervisory Commission for the Action and IV parliamentarians.

"It is not the Pd and M5S who have wiped out the third pole but the voters" retort the Dems who opt for Anna Rossomando and Maria Domenica Castellone for the vice presidencies of Palazzo Madama.

On the political front, after yesterday's utterances by Silvio Berlusconi, who had said he was getting closer to Putin, the controversy has not subsided, despite FdI's attempts to regroup.

Guido Crosetto even quotes Khalil Gibran to say that it is necessary to have "patience" to be "happy later", while the President of the Senate Ignazio La Russa says that if everyone remains "respecting their prerogatives and their roles" we will soon arrive at " a strong government ".

And while Berlusconi continues his round of meetings, receiving Matteo Salvini for lunch and then seeing Carlo Nordio, whom Giorgia Meloni would like at the Ministry of Justice, in place of FI candidate Elisabetta Casellati, in Brussels the voice is raised.

The group leader of the EPP, to which FI is a member,

On the other hand Riho Terras (Ppe) according to whom "it is time for the veteran of politics Berlusconi to retire".

Even the Dems continue to point the finger at the leader of FI with Enrico Letta who asks Meloni if ​​it is not the majority, and not the criticisms of the opposition, to damage Italy abroad with the sentences of the Knight or with the anti-abortion bill presented by Maurizio Gasparri.

Still on the foreign front, Giorgia Meloni also intervenes today who thanks the president of Poland Duda for the words of appreciation expressed towards her, convinced that "Italy and Poland can and should strengthen their collaboration to defend common values ​​and European security together. ".

Meanwhile, Mario Draghi is received at the Quirinale by Mattarella, together with some former ministers, for an official lunch also in view of the EU Council and greeting the journalists that in the 20 months of government he has "learned too many things" and that he has "the good awareness of the work done ".

Source: ansa

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