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What to consider when creating a chair cover


Furniture tends to wear out. That said, not all American homeowners have the opportunity to buy a new chair. So what to do in this case? Realizing that the interior in the house is completely ruined because of the visual damage to the chair, many decide to buy a cover, or make it with their own hands. Protective fabric should complement the color palette of the room and make the furniture more pleasant for the owner and all guests. Recliner covers are very easy to find, as many stores now give preference to the sale of such products. In addition to buying in stores, you can also consider ordering the covers from a professional. Such a purchase will cost more, but you can ask for anything from the color of the cover to extra centimeters for overlap. 

What do I need to know about the dimensions for a protective cover? Covers are usually initially designed with the furniture in the folded state in mind. Some chairs in Americans today have a reclining function, thus they can also be used as a sofa.  Therefore, the cover is likely to fit perfectly on the sofa only when it is folded. No matter which option the American homeowner chooses, he or she will definitely need to measure the chair so as not to get the dimensions wrong. Do not forget about the handles, as well as the extra overlap.

Also, a fairly common issue is the color. Not all options will visually match the room in which the furniture is located. It is important to consider each of them, choose the one that will complement the interior, making it even more attractive to others.

How you can make the cover yourself - step by step instructions

If you have decided not to buy a cover, but to make it yourself, you need to follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Measure the chair. If it was bought recently, you can ask in the store, what the dimensions of the received goods. In the case where there is no information, you need to perform this action yourself. After the measurements have been taken, it is necessary to write down the results, so as not to forget them.
  2. Order the fabric. It is desirable that it be a dense and wear-resistant fabric, which will be able to significantly increase the life of the furniture. At the same time, you can also use an old sheet for training, which later will not be sorry to throw away. It is recommended to make a trial cover. Such a decision will lead to the fact that the homeowner will more clearly understand exactly what he needs.
  3. Cut the fabric according to the measurements you made. 
  4. For the last step, a sewing machine will definitely come in handy. It is with her help it will be possible to sew the future cover and use it at home.

Of course, no one guarantees that the quality of the resulting cover will be better than that bought from specialists. At the same time, a person will get a real pleasure, because he will make it with his own hands. There is another advantage of the handmade cover. If you can understand all the nuances, in the future you will be able to make covers for absolutely any furniture, from chairs to sofas.

Source: limnews

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