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Lung cancer: Passive smokers at the same risk as active smokers? Cancer expert says: "Yes"


Lung cancer: Passive smokers at the same risk as active smokers? Cancer expert says: "Yes" Created: 11/02/2022, 2:00 p.m By: Juliane Gutmann Anyone who frequently hangs out with smokers lives dangerously. The lungs of passive smokers are also damaged. And even the risk of cancer increases. 4,800 chemicals, 250 toxins: according to the Süddeutsche Zeitung , that's how many harmful substances ar

Lung cancer: Passive smokers at the same risk as active smokers?

Cancer expert says: "Yes"

Created: 11/02/2022, 2:00 p.m

By: Juliane Gutmann

Anyone who frequently hangs out with smokers lives dangerously.

The lungs of passive smokers are also damaged.

And even the risk of cancer increases.

4,800 chemicals, 250 toxins: according to the

Süddeutsche Zeitung

, that's how many harmful substances are in cigarette smoke.

These include nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide.

According to the Federal Ministry of Health, smoking is the greatest avoidable health risk in Germany.

More than 127,000 people die every year in Germany as a result of tobacco consumption.

In 2007, the law on protection against the dangers of passive smoking came into force, which resulted in the ban on smoking in public facilities and public transport.

As the Health Knowledge Foundation informs, about 28 percent of the German population are smokers.

Smoking not only promotes pneumonia, bronchial asthma or chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, as the lung doctors inform on the Internet.

“The most important cancer risk factor is smoking.

Not only lung cancer, but also other cancers are triggered by it.

Passive smoking also increases the risk,” explains the head of the Cancer Information Service, Dr.

Susanne Weg-Remers, in an interview with IPPEN.MEDIA.

As an example, she cites a couple relationship.

The smoker's partner may inhale large amounts of toxins, which can increase the risk of lung cancer, says Weg-Remers.

Smoking damages your lungs.

But the health of close relatives – who do not smoke – also suffers.

© Rolf Kremming/Imago

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If children have to smoke passively - fatal consequences

While adults can consciously avoid situations in which people smoke a lot, this is often impossible for children.

As the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) informs, children breathe faster, which means that the toxins get into their bodies more quickly in high concentrations.

Above all, regular passive smoking leads to large amounts of harmful substances quickly accumulating, which has fatal effects on the small bodies of children.

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According to TK, studies show that passive smoking in childhood can have the following effects, among others:

  • According to TK,

    children from smoking households are two to four times more likely to die from

    sudden infant death syndrome than non-smoking children.

  • Children who smoke passively have an increased risk of

    developing asthma


  • Anyone who regularly exposes their child to cigarette smoke increases their

    risk of lung cancer, larynx cancer and pharynx cancer


  • Passive smoking affects children's lung development, making them more susceptible to

    respiratory diseases

    such as bronchitis.

  • Secondhand smoke also impacts

    children 's

    mental health .

    Studies by TK suggest that passive smoking increases the likelihood of ADHD and behavioral problems.

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Would you like to quit smoking?

In the article "Ex-smokers can extend their lives - study shows how this is possible" you will find four tips to finally quit smoking.

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2022-11-02

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