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New »Momo« film adaptation in planning


The story of »Momo«, a girl who fights against dark forces, is apparently being filmed again. According to an industry portal, filming is scheduled to begin later this year.

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Radost Bokel as Momo in the 1986 film adaptation


ddp images / ddp

Almost everyone knows the story of the girl who fights against time thieves.

And anyone who hasn't read Michael Ende's book must have been to the cinema and seen the 1986 film adaptation of »Momo«.

According to information from the industry portal "Deadline", another film adaptation is now in the starting blocks.

A large-format, English-language adaptation of the children's book is in the planning stage.

German producer Christian Becker (»Die Welle«, »Fack Ju Göhte«) and director Christian Ditter (»How to Be Single«, »Biohackers«, »Girlboss«) are said to have teamed up to film the fairy tale.

Ditter is also said to have written the screenplay.

However, it was not easy to get the rights to Ende's story, according to Ditter about the industry portal.

It required sensitive negotiations, which were ultimately decided in their favour.

The idea is fresher than ever

The central idea of ​​the book, that mysterious creatures steal time, was unusual in the 1980s, Ditter continues.

But in a present with long working hours, global corporations and the constant search for wellness and mindfulness, the idea is fresher than ever.

At the end of the year, the first take could fall.

In »Momo«, Ende tells how the main character of the same name has to fight against soulless »gray men« who are secretly taking over their city and are stealing time.

Ende's book has long been viewed as a critique of consumerism, stress, and callous individualism.

Ende himself originally wrote the story for television.

But because nobody wanted to make the film, he turned it into a small novel in 1973, a children's book - which became a bestseller and finally a film.


Source: spiegel

All life articles on 2023-01-18

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