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Carole Bouquet flirted with by Valéry Giscard d'Estaing: "He thought I would be seduced"


The actress was the guest of the show "Politiques, à table" on LCP-AN this Friday, March 31. She delivered an astonishing anecdote about a meeting with former President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing dating from 1981.

Would we go so far as to call this “meeting of the third kind”?

Invited this Friday March 31 of the program "Politics, at the table" on LCP -AN, channel 13 of the TNT, Carole Bouquet told an unexpected anecdote.

The 65-year-old actress gave herself up without restraint, seated in front of her hosts Brigitte Boucher and Jean-Pierre Montanay, lending herself to the game of the interview during a meal cooked by chefs, which we can see s activate in the background.

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Charlotte Casiraghi's mother-in-law therefore delivered a very crisp anecdote, more than four decades old.

Then a young mother of her first child, Dimitri Rassam, born only a few weeks ago, she received an impromptu visit at the beginning of December 1981 from the former President of the Republic, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, freshly beaten by François Mitterrand during the presidential election of May.

“He rings at my door, a gentleman whom I do not know at all, whom I recognize by opening.

I'm in a dressing gown, I have a three-week-old child and he says to me: “Good evening”.

And I see that it is Mr. Giscard d'Estaing”, she explains to her hosts.

Surprised and surprised by this visit, the actress nevertheless agrees to show her house.

VGE has indeed made a singular request: he wants to visit the star's home, explaining that it once belonged to friends.

“He said to me: can I visit the house?

Because it belonged to friends of mine, who actually live at the back of the yard, over there, and I would like to see what you did with it.

What the actress of

Too beautiful for you

invites him to do with a courteous and nevertheless incredulous: "I beg you".

“I even offer him champagne and then he leaves, period.

I could not have been more kind, ”she says again.

The story could end here, if the two characters had not met twenty years later during an evening at the Paris Opera.

A second meeting during which the former member of the Constitutional Council was rather upset at the memory of their first intervention.

“You mistreated me the first time we saw each other,” he reproaches a taken aback Carole Bouquet.

Explaining then: “You were not seduced”, very offended that the French actress did not give in to her charm.

On the set, the star of French cinema resumes his story: “We started to discuss and he said to me: “But finally, it is impossible… Power, there is nothing more seductive for a woman !”

And I said: 'Listen, you're at a very bad time because not for me...'”.

Then she justifies herself: “But it's incredible.

[…] I couldn't invite him to dinner, I had my baby, I invited him to drink […].

I don't know what I should have done.

[…] He was very well brought up, but he expected, on the contrary, that I jump on him”.

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In video, Marion Cotillard and Carole Bouquet recount the Chanel exhibition at

Madame Figaro 's microphone

Source: lefigaro

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