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Detecting stomach cancer early: Difficulty swallowing is a warning signal


In the early stages of gastric cancer, symptoms such as loss of appetite are usually very unspecific. If symptoms persist for a longer period of time, you should have them clarified as early as possible.

In the early stages of gastric cancer, symptoms such as loss of appetite are usually very unspecific.

If symptoms persist for a longer period of time, you should have them clarified as early as possible.

According to

the Robert Koch Institute (RKI),

around 5,746 women and 9,131 men develop a malignant tumor of the stomach every year (as of 2019).

The risk of developing the disease increases with age in both sexes.

Men develop gastric cancer at an average age of 71 and women at 76.

The relative five-year survival rate for women is 37 percent and for men around 34 percent.

Although the chances of recovery have improved in recent years, they remain unfavorable in comparison to other types of cancer.

In many cases, gastric cancer is only recognized when the tumor has already metastasized.

It is all the more important to pay attention to possible signs and symptoms, especially if they are constant and last longer than four to eight weeks, as the

German Cancer Society

points out.

Because if stomach cancer is detected at an early stage, i.e. if the carcinoma has not yet affected the muscle layer of the stomach, the chances of recovery are usually good.

If you are unsure, it is better to have your symptoms clarified by a gastroenterologist sooner rather than later.

Detecting stomach cancer early: Difficulty swallowing is a warning signal


One of the first possible signs of gastric cancer may be difficulty swallowing.

© manuela.fink/Imago

In the early stages, gastric cancer usually causes few symptoms.

When the first symptoms appear, they are usually atypical.

Those affected then often suffer from abdominal pain with nausea, or they no longer tolerate certain foods as well.

The insidious thing is that many of those affected do not necessarily suspect a serious illness such as cancer or an inflammation of the stomach, gastritis, with such symptoms, according to the

German Cancer Research Center


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Stomach cancer: risk factors

The most important risk factor for gastric cancer is a bacterial infection of the stomach with Helicobacter pylori.

About five to ten percent of gastric cancers are caused by infection with the Epstein-Barr virus, which causes mononucleosis.

Smoking and alcohol consumption also increase the risk of cancer.

A high salt and meat consumption should also promote a tumor disease.

Other non-specific symptoms indicating gastric carcinoma can be:

  • difficulties swallowing

  • Aversion to certain foods such as meat

  • Sudden loss of appetite

  • Persistent feeling of fullness

  • nausea

  • Vomit

  • Pain or pressure in the upper abdomen, especially during or after eating

  • weight loss

  • Dark coloring of the stool, so-called tarry stool, can indicate bleeding in the stomach.

Signs of stomach cancer – take symptoms seriously


German Cancer Research Center

recommends that you see a doctor if you have symptoms such as prolonged stomach pain, frequent nausea, persistent loss of appetite and problems swallowing.

Decisively reduce the risk of cancer: Ten foods such as broccoli, garlic, onions and leeks can protect

Decisively reduce the risk of cancer: Ten foods such as broccoli, garlic, onions and leeks can protect

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication.

In no way does it replace a visit to the doctor.

Unfortunately, our editorial team cannot answer individual questions about clinical pictures.

List of rubrics: © manuela.fink/Imago

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2023-04-24

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