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Mother's Day: WhatsApp sayings to send to mom - one should make her particularly happy


Highlights: Mother's Day in Germany dates back to May 13, 1923 - but was initiated by the "Association of German Flower Shop Owners" The Nazis finally declared the day a national holiday in 1934, put it at the service of their propaganda and reduced the role of women to their childbearing capacity. They may not replace a face-to-face meeting or phone call, but they will certainly be well received by mom. We have collected some of the most beautiful ones for you. Which one do you like best?

Forgot Mother's Day on May 14? Not everyone can visit their mom in person. How about these WhatsApp sayings as a replacement?

Munich - Actually, it's always Mother's Day! The merits of one's own mom should be appreciated on all 365 days of the year. Or in leap years to 366. But there is one official Mother's Day a year that bears exactly this name. In 2021 it is Sunday, May 09th. There will certainly be a lot of flowers and WhatsApp sayings sent again.

While for many, a face-to-face gathering on Mother's Day is an absolute must, some others may have to do without it. And access calls or WhatsApp messages.

Where does Mother's Day actually come from? The veneration of maternal virtues dates back to ancient times. For example, at their spring festivals, the ancient Greeks paid homage to Rhea, the goddess of the earth and fertility. British historians report on "Mothering Day", the tradition of which began in the Middle Ages, initially dedicated to "Mother Church". Later, on this day in spring, children in particular were allowed to return to their mothers in the service of wealthy families. As a small gift, they brought them flowers picked along the way.

Mother's Day originated - of course - long before WhatsApp

Mother's Day in its modern form, however, originated in the United States, where the poet and women's rights activist Julia Ward Howe called for a "Mother's Day of Peace" in 1870 in the face of war and slavery - an idea that was taken up again decades later by feminist Anna Jarvis. In order to honor her deceased mother and to draw attention to women's problems, she called for a feast day for all mothers in 1907. In 1914, at the request of Congress, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson introduced the second Sunday in May as a national day of honor.

The idea made it across the pond to Europe. The first Mother's Day in Germany dates back to May 13, 1923 - but was initiated by the "Association of German Flower Shop Owners" out of purely commercial interests. The Nazis finally declared the day a national holiday in 1934, put it at the service of their propaganda and reduced the role of women to their childbearing capacity. This terribly dark period ended a few years later. Mother's Day has survived from the first precursors in 1870 to the present day.

Mother's Day 2021: WhatsApp sayings sometimes replace flowers

Around 100 years have passed since the first Mother's Day in Germany. And the fact that flowers are booming on Mother's Day hasn't changed since then. And there is certainly hardly a mom who is not happy to receive material attention. But much more important are kind words. Preferably, of course, personally pronounced.

One option that didn't exist in 1923 is sayings via WhatsApp for Mother's Day. They may not replace a face-to-face meeting or phone call, but they will certainly be well received by mom. We have collected some of the most beautiful ones for you. And we would like to choose a favorite in advance that could be particularly well received:


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"Today I say thank you. Thank you for all your gifts of love. Thank you for your gifts of understanding and forgiveness. Thank you!"

It contains everything you should say on Mother's Day - then the most important thing is a thank you.

WhatsApp sayings for Mother's Day: Which one do you like best?

You can read more WhatsApp sayings for Mother's Day in the episode. Why don't you pick the one that you and your mother like best?

  • "You are a unique person who gives everything to others without expecting to get anything in return. Happy Mother's Day!"
  • "The best thing about me, I got it from you."
  • "Dearest mom one thing is true, you have always been there for me. For this I thank you for the feast, because you are the very best."
  • "Mothers understand what children don't say." (Popular wisdom)
  • "If I had to choose a mom, my choice would be yours. Because you are the best mommy there can be for me."
  • "Secretly, silently and quietly / I send this WhatsApp on a journey. / It comes from the heart and with greetings / May sweeten your day."
  • "You don't have a more important ally in this world than your mother."
  • "A child without a mother is a flower without rain."
  • "Today, on this dear feast / I wish you the very best / Happiness, health, long life / May the good Lord give you."
  • "An angel without wings is called a mom."
  • And finally, a sentence attributed to Mark Twain: "My mother had a lot of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it."

You can see more sayings in the video at the top. For the next special day, Father's Day, we offer you the best WhatsApp congratulations for Father's Day.

On the other hand, beware of those special text messages that can crash your smartphone. A Whatsapp update should make chatting much easier and open up new possibilities. The best WhatsApp sayings for Valentine's Day 2022 can be found here. (LIN with dpa)

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2023-05-11

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