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The unanimous condolences of politics and sport


Highlights: Meloni: 'He was a fighter'. La Russa: 'he was an older brother' (ANSA). The news of Silvio Berlusconi's death came like a thunderbolt on the world of politics, culture and soprt, not only Italian, but all over the world. Messages of condolence, memories and testimonies arrived immediately from colleagues, friends and opponents of the former Prime Minister. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, on a mission to Washington for institutional meetings, is reviewing the timing of the trip.

Meloni: 'He was a fighter'. La Russa: 'he was an older brother' (ANSA)

The news of Silvio Berlusconi's death came like a thunderbolt on the world of politics, culture and soprt, not only Italian, but all over the world. Messages of condolence, memories and testimonies arrived immediately from colleagues, friends and opponents of the former Prime Minister and founder of Forza Italia. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, on a mission to Washington for institutional meetings, is reviewing the timing of the trip to anticipate the return to Italy.

The memory of the institutional summits was immediate." Silvio Berlusconi was above all a fighter, he was a man who had never been afraid to defend his convictions and it was exactly that courage and determination that made him one of the most influential men in the history of Italy, to allow him to give real turning points in the world of politics, communication and business". So Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in a video message underlining that "with him Italy has learned that it should never be imposed limits. She learned that she should never give up. With him we fought, won, lost many battles. And also for him we will bring home the goals that, together, we had set ourselves. Goodbye Silvio'. So 'the President of the Council Giorgia Meloni in a video message.

Moved the president of the Senate Ignazio la Russa: "I was a personal friend and for me he was a sort of older brother, even if he did not like him, because he considered me a peer of his, despite being 16 years older," he said. He added: "One thing is certain: there is an Italy before Berlusconi went into politics and an Italy after. He has changed Italian politics but also many other things, from architecture in Milan to the relationship with his employees, among them I do not think there is one who has not loved him. It leaves a void that can hardly be filled." Then he concluded: "Italy, after Berlusconi, will be different from today, just like the before and after his descent into the field."

The President of the Chamber Lorenzo Fontana "learned with deep sorrow the news of the death of Silvio Berlusconi, an absolute protagonist of Italian, European and international economic, industrial and political history" and expressed "to his family, his loved ones, the party of Forza Italia and those who have always considered him a point of reference, the sentiments of deepest condolences".

From Brussels, the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola recalled "the fighter who led the center-right and who has been a protagonist of politics in Italy and Europe for generations. Father, entrepreneur, MEP, Prime Minister, senator. He left his mark and will not be forgotten. Thanks Silvio".

For the European Commissioner for the Economy Paolo Gentiloni "with Silvio Berlusconi disappears a leader who has left a deep mark on Italy in recent decades. For everyone, today is the moment of condolences, of closeness to his family and to the community of Forza Italia".

The European People's Party, a political group of which Forza Italia is part in the EU institutions, also joined the condolences: "Today we mourn the death of Silvio Berlusconi. He was the founder and leader of Forza Italia, the longest-serving Italian Prime Minister in the post-war period and a driving force in our political family. Our condolences and condolences to his family and loved ones," the tweeted said. EPP leader Manfred Weber said he was "saddened by the passing of Silvio Berlusconi", adding that "my thoughts are with his family and loved ones at this difficult time. We will not forget the energy and dedication with which he worked for his beloved Italy, for his political family and for his European ideals. Rest in peace." .

From Berlin, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's spokesman expressed "our participation to the Italian people and the Italian government", without adding further comment.

The mourning of Italian politics is unanimous, starting with Berlusconi's main political allies. League leader Matteo Salvini canceled all public appointments today and this morning in Lesa, in the province of Novara, he asked for a minute of silence for the leader of Forza Italia, calling him "a great man and a great Italian".

In a statement, the leaders of the Chamber and Senate of the League Riccardo Molinari and Massimiliano Romeo wrote that "the whole League is close to the Berlusconi family. With him goes a piece of history of our country, a true man and forerunner of the times who was able to grasp the needs of an entire people, even its detractors. To his loved ones goes our affection and our closeness. Rest in peace, Silvio."

"I'm moved. For many years he was like a brother", commented the founder of the League Umberto Bossi and Minister Roberto Calderoli joined the memory: "I cried first my father, then I cried my mother, like everyone arrived at my age I cried some dear friends, true affections, of which I find it difficult even to speak. Today I mourn Silvio, a friend of so many moments, of so many years together, of so many laughs and also of so many difficult moments. Their respective illnesses, their respective bereavements: many times I have received his embrace and he has received mine. It's hard to say anything else. What Silvio Berlusconi did as an entrepreneur, as president of Milan and as a man of our institutions, we consign to the history of our country, which he helped to make it great. Today I remember my friend Silvio, I mourn my friend, with a prayer that I know he would appreciate, sending a big hug to his great family, to his children, to all those who loved him like me".

Also from the government team, the Minister of Education Giuseppe Valditara underlines that "the death of Senator President Silvio Berlusconi leaves immense pain. A giant of Italian politics disappears, the one who conceived the modern center-right, without whose intelligent work it would not have been possible to affirm those values of freedom that inspired liberal-conservative coalitions starting from the Pole of Freedoms".

Defense Minister Guido Crosetto expresses "great, enormous pain" and reiterates that Berlusconi "leaves a huge void because he was a great man. An era is over, an era is closing. I loved him very much. Goodbye Silvio". The owner of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida remembers "a man who made history. It prevented the left from taking power by resisting attacks of all kinds for years. We did not always share his methods and choices, but always his great love for Freedom. The Italian right owes him a lot. The memory of his generosity, elegance, intelligence and commitment will still be the backbone of the center-right that he wanted and defended. A hug to his family and our condolences as Italians for a great man". And the Minister of Enterprise Adolfo Urso speaks of the Knight as "a true precursor and innovator, in the economy, society and politics. A great Italian capable of anticipating the times and resisting every adversity with a human charge and empathy that everyone, even opponents, have always recognized him. He dedicated his life to Italy, with trust, perseverance and generosity. It has marked the history of the country".

"You will always stay with us, have a good trip President", is instead the emotional greeting of the Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanchè who on social media accompanied the message of condolence with a photo of which she is together with the Knight. The Minister of Sport Andrea Abodi underlines that the president of Forza Italia "leaves a huge void in the country and in the sports world that has characterized. It's bad news for our nation." "He was a man of sport - added Abodi - very oriented to victory like all great men with goal-oriented stubbornness and when he left Milan he did so with pain for how he played the role. Then she resumed with ambition and humility from Monza, a challenge that seemed not up to her and brought her to his height". Abodi speaks of "difficult inheritance and great recognition to man despite all that has been made to weigh on him in the course of his life". The Minister for Disability Alessandra Locatelli greeted him on Facebook: "Goodbye Silvio, you lived your life until the last minute, never giving up. Have a good trip."

His longtime defense lawyer, Franco Coppi, gave his personal contribution to the memory of Berlusconi: "Each character has his lights and shadows. Certainly one cannot fail to recognize a high degree of genius because he has done positive things, first of all with regard to his exploits. Then find me a person who cannot be blamed for this or that. Certainly the man, also taking into account where he started, is a character who had his talents and knew how to spend them well".

United in mourning is the front of the presidents of the Region, to parftire from the Piedmontese Alberto Cirio: "For me it is like losing a father", he commented hotly, before canceling all the commitments to reach the San Raffaele in Milan. The governor of Lombardy Attilio Fontana remarked that "he leaves us a great Lombard. A friend, an entrepreneur, but above all a man who has contributed decisively to the growth of our country. He wrote indelible pages that will remain in the history of all of us".

For the governor of Veneto Luca Zaia "he leaves us a man who has written the recent history of Italian politics, a pioneer in the field of media, a person who has been able to live looking to the future. With a unique bond with Veneto, which I was able to appreciate even when, with Berlusconi Prime Minister and I Minister, we were colleagues in the Government". Zaia recalled that "in 2010, when Veneto was the victim of the great flood. Berlusconi wanted to come, in the role of Prime Minister, bringing the closeness of the institutions and a strong commitment to overcoming the emergency. His energy, his nonconformism, many of his visions will be greatly missed by this country."

For the governor of Liguria Giovanni Toti "President Berlusconi for this country was the Alpha and the Omega of political life: for those who appreciated him and for those who were irreducible opponents, he was still the measure of a change in the country. The second Italian Republic was born with President Silvio Berlusconi and I believe it will close with him. I think everyone today can appreciate the gigantic effort made by Mr Berlusconi to change and modernise this country. Now I hope that everyone will be able to grasp a legacy that is truly gigantic and cannot belong to anyone, but the collective heritage of this country. Certainly Berlusconi will remain in the Pantheon of those who have made a piece of history of this Republic like Alcide De Gasperi and like before him a few other gigantic leaders".

The President of Puglia Michele Emiliano highlights that "Silvio Berlusconi was for me a formidable political opponent, but also an affectionate and kind person on every occasion when I met him and spoke to him. He had a conception of life full and without fear, even of the profound contradictions that he chose or could not avoid. He lived them with an ironic spirit and with great political, entrepreneurial and human ability".

The disappearance of the blue leader has also closely affected his political opponents. The Democratic Party has decided to postpone the Directorate, scheduled for today, "as a sign of respect for the death of Silvio Berlusconi" and the secretary Elly Schlein expressed her condolences: "Faced with the death of Silvio Berlusconi we want to send all our closeness to the pain of his family, his loved ones and all Forza Italia, just as we want it to reach the Government and the majority forces. With the death of Silvio Berlusconi, an era ends. Everything has divided us and divides us from his political vision, but there remains the respect that humanly owes to what has been a protagonist in the history of our country. Our deepest condolences from the Democratic Party."

The leader of Azione Carlo Calenda expressed "my condolences and those of Azione to the family and community of Forza Italia, for the death of Silvio Berlusconi. He fought to the end against the disease with incredible courage. Rest in peace", while the leader of Italia Viva Matteo Renzi stressed on social media that "Silvio Berlusconi has made history in this country. Many loved him, many hated him: everyone today must recognize that his impact on political life but also economic, sports, television has been unprecedented. Today Italy cries together with its family, its loved ones, its companies, its party. To all those who loved him my most affectionate and sincere embrace. In these hours I bring with me the memories of our meetings, of the many advices, of our agreements, of our clashes - adds the former premier -. But above all of a phone call in which Silvio, not the President, made me shed a tear talking about his mother. We will miss you, Pres, may the earth be light to you."

The former secretary of the Democratic Party Enrico Letta reiterates that "Berlusconi has made the history of our country. His passing marks one of those moments in which everyone, whether they were near or far from his choices, feels involved. Affection and closeness to his family and friends. And to the entire political community of Forza Italia", while one of his stoiric opponents, Romano Prodi, participates "in the deep mourning for the death of Silvio Berlusconi. I remember him as a political leader who, in his long and intense public commitment, has exercised a great influence in the life of our country, affecting not only the institutions, but also the lives of all citizens". Prodi recalls that "in our long political confrontation we have represented different and opposing worlds, but our rivalry has never transcended into feelings of enmity on a personal level, keeping the confrontation in a context of mutual respect. I appreciated his support for the pro-European cause, especially because it was confirmed and reiterated at a time when our common European destiny was harshly and imprudently under accusation. I offer his family and all his loved ones my deepest condolences", concludes the founder of the Ulivo.

ANCI President Antonio Decaro "on behalf of the Italian mayors, ANCI and myself" expresses "condolences to the family of Silvio Berlusconi and the community of Forza Italia. With the death of Silvio Berlusconi, an important piece of the political, economic and institutional history of our country disappears. Without a doubt, Silvio Berlusconi's story has crossed the lives of millions of citizens as well as having influenced the political fortunes of Italy and its international image. He must be recognized for his extraordinary entrepreneurial skills and a strong political intuition in interpreting the feelings of the Italian people. From business to sport, from politics to communication, in whatever field Berlusconi has applied himself, he has done so with energy and a spirit of innovation. A long season of national life will forever remain marked by his presence and his activity. Both those who supported him and those who opposed him will recognize the leading role in the history of contemporary Italy".

The mayor of Turin Stefano Lo Russo in a tweet writes instead that "with the death of Silvio Berlusconi he leaves us a figure who undeniably marked an era for our country at an entrepreneurial, sporting, social and political level". The mayor of Milan Beppe Sala emphasizes that the city "mourns Silvio Berlusconi. Every Italian has an opinion about him, matured over the long years of his entrepreneurial, sporting and political centrality. But this is the time for mourning and respect." And the mayor of Naples Gaetano Manfredi recalled that Berlusconi "was very attached to the city of Naples, I had an excellent personal relationship with him". From Florence, the mayor Dario Nardella declares in turn "all the closeness to the family".

Sincere sorrow for the death of Berlusconi is finally highlighted by those who shared with him joys and sorrows in sports, starting with the former coach of his Milan, Arrigo Sacchi: "I'm sick, despite everything I did not expect it", he said, crying on the phone with ANSA, adding that "Silvio Berlusconi was a generous man and tried to change this difficult country, formed by individualists. Was he too? No, he thought together and saw far away: when he took me I told him "you are crazy or you are a genius". Given the results, give me the answer...".

The Monza team, with Adriano Galliani, in a message on the club's website write "Forever with us" and "mourn the death of Silvio Berlusconi. A void that can never be filled, forever with us. Thank you for everything President", is the message on the website of the Brianza club. (ANSA).

For the national coach Roberto Mancini the death of Silvio Berlusconi "is a great sorrow, I think it is a great sorrow for everyone because Berlusconi for sport was an extraordinary man, for politics too, so today is a very sad day".

Source: ansa

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