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Record tedua, for over a month at the top of the hit parade


Highlights: La Divina Commedia is the best-selling album, according to Fimi / GFK surveys. Tedua is the first artist in 2023 to exceed the month of stay at the top of the top ten. Geolier with Il Coraggio dei Bambini-Atto II is third. Marco Mengoni with Materia (Prisma) is fourth. The Pooh enter in eighth place with the collection Amicixsempre. Blanco with Innamorato and Tananai with Rave, Eclissi.

Also this week La Divina Commedia is the best-selling album, according to Fimi / GFK surveys: Tedua is the first artist in 2023 to exceed the month of stay at the top of the top ten, reaching the fifth consecutive week in first place. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, JULY 07 - Also this week La DivinaCommedia is the best-selling album, according to Fimi / GFK surveys: Tedua is the first artist in 2023 to exceed the month of permanence at the top of the top ten, reaching the fifth consecutive week in first place. The album also ranked number 1 on the vinyl chart. The album is also in sixth place in the best-selling albums chart in the first six months of 2023 with only one month of sales.
Enter directly in second place 10, the first official album of the multiplatinum producer Drillionaire that brings together 20protagonists of the Italian urban scene. Third step of the podium for Geolier with Il Coraggio dei Bambini-Atto II, the album that dominated sales in the first half of 2023. They are followed by Marco Mengoni with Materia (Prisma) in fourth place, the PenguiniTattici Nucleare with Fake News in fifth place (expected in the next few days to the test of the stadiums) and Lazza with Sirio, for over a year in the standings.
Seventh place, down four positions, for Shivacon Santana Season, while the Pooh enter in eighth place with the collection Amicixsempre, with the greatest successes of the band that has gone through 50 years of Italian history.
Closing the top ten Blanco with Innamorato and Tananai with Rave, Eclissi. (ANSA).

Source: ansa

All life articles on 2023-07-07

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