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How to recognize toxic colleagues – and keep them at a distance


Highlights: Toxic colleagues always put themselves first and center of attention. Toxic colleagues are poison for a good working atmosphere. It is important that you recognize difficult team members early on and keep your distance. You can't choose your colleagues. If you are unlucky you will also work with difficult people. Stay friendly but firm to set boundaries. You don't always have to always be nice and polite. This is how you can also cope with toxic colleagues. It's important to recognize difficult colleagues early on. This will prevent you from falling into their clutches.

Status: 29/08/2023, 14:36 p.m.

By: Katharina Winter


It depends not only on you how productive you work, but also on your team. If you have difficult colleagues, this will have an impact on your performance.

You may enjoy working with some colleagues, but not so much with others. That's normal. It becomes difficult when you are surrounded by toxic colleagues. It is important that you recognize difficult team members early on and keep your distance. This will prevent you from falling into their clutches and not getting out again. The following behaviors indicate that these are colleagues that you would rather not make your friends.

Five typical behavioral patterns of toxic colleagues: 1. Talk a lot, especially about others

If you have such colleagues, you will probably have a hard time in your job. © Pond5/Imago

Whether in the coffee kitchen, at lunch or before a jour fixe: These colleagues like to start their sentences with a "Have you heard that ..." and end their hot news about other team members who are not present with "But you didn't get that from me." Admittedly, funny anecdotes or a few juicy pieces of information from the boss's private life are of interest to everyone. And everyone probably blasphemes a little bit. This strengthens cohesion and lifts the mood. However, if a person only talks badly about others, it has a negative effect on the working atmosphere. Too much gossip quickly turns into bullying in the workplace, which can affect health.

2. Toxic colleagues always put themselves first and center

These toxic colleaguesare either always the victim or the hero of the company. In both cases, they are quickly exposed, because they talk exclusively about themselves. Type victim often fails to fulfill his workload. Of course, he is never responsible for this, but it is always due to external circumstances. Type Hero, on the other hand, thinks that nothing works without him anyway. He would like everyone to work like him. That's why he always explains his way of working at length. Both types are equally strenuous and cost others a lot of energy.

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3. Devaluing the achievements of others

There are people who judge others very quickly – and most of the time their judgment is negative. They are not very open to further developments and new impulses. They have a certain approach and only this is correct. Such colleagues are also really good at devaluing exactly what you enjoy most about your job. This has nothing to do with constructive criticism.


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4. Manipulate colleagues

Someone who likes to manipulate is usually good at hiding it. That is why these toxic colleagues are particularly treacherous. They initially pretend to support you and make friends with you. In this way, manipulative people quickly find out what makes you tick. They then use this knowledge to skilfully enforce their will. Therefore, be careful who you really trust in the office. Some topics should not be discussed with colleagues.

5. Create discord in the team

There are people who enjoy putting obstacles in the way of others. They feel better when they harm others. Such colleagues are poison for a good working atmosphere. The only thing that helps here is to keep your distance. If you actually need to work together, communicate clearly. Determine exactly who will take on which task and record the agreements in writing.

This is the best way to respond to toxic work colleagues

You can't choose your colleagues. If you are unlucky, you will also have to work with difficult people. Therefore, always weigh carefully what you tell your work colleagues. If you notice that someone from your team is making your day-to-day work more difficult, keep your distance. Stay friendly but firm. Clearly set boundaries. You don't always have to be nice and polite. This is how you can also cope with toxic colleagues.

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2023-08-29

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