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Abbas, 'against killings of civilians on both sides' - Last hour


Highlights: Abbas, 'against killings of civilians on both sides' - Last hour. "We reject practices related to killing or abusing civilians by both sides because they violate morals, religion and international law" This was said by Palestinian President Abu Mazen meeting King Abdullah of Jordan. He also called for "an immediate end to the aggression against the Palestinian people." And "the provision of medical and humanitarian aid, the supply of water and electricity and the opening of urgent humanitarian corridors in the Gaza Strip"

"We reject practices related to killing or abusing civilians by both sides because they violate morals, religion and international law." (ANSA)

"We reject practices related to killing or abusing civilians on both sides because they violate morals, religion and international law." This was said by Palestinian President Abu Mazen meeting King Abdullah of Jordan, quoted by Wafa.
Abbas also called for "an immediate end to the aggression against the Palestinian people." And "the provision of medical and humanitarian aid, the supply of water and electricity and the opening of urgent humanitarian corridors in the Gaza Strip."
The Palestinian president then confirmed that he will meet tomorrow with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Amman.

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Source: ansa

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