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Crosetto: 'Separate Hamas from Palestinians, avoid escalation' - News


Highlights: Crosetto: 'Separate Hamas from Palestinians, avoid escalation' - Italy "is concerned that there is no escalation, that there are no people who have nothing to do with this clash who remain in the midst of what is a legitimate reaction of Israel", added Crosetto. "Italy has never backed down, if a peace commitment of this kind is requested by the international community and the UN, we would be the first available," said the Defense Minister.

'Defense of legitimate Israel, concern for the involvement of the innocent' (ANSA)

"From NATO comes a message that could not be one of solidarity in the face of a terrorist act of unprecedented violence, made by Hamas that must not be confused with the Palestinian people". This was stated by Defense Minister Guido Crosetto after the Alliance's Defense Ministerial meeting. Italy "is concerned that there is no escalation, that there are no people who have nothing to do with this clash who remain in the midst of what is a legitimate reaction of Israel", added Crosetto according to whom "the goal of the entire international community must be that there is no escalation".

"Italy has never backed down, if a peace commitment of this kind is requested by the international community and the UN, we would be the first available, but now no one has asked for something similar," said the Defense Minister in response to those who asked him about a possible Italian commitment to manage humanitarian corridors in Gaza.

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Source: ansa

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