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European Socialists suspend Robert Fico's party - Last hour


Highlights: European Socialists suspend Robert Fico's party - Last hour. The Smer party is led by Robert FICO, winner of the last elections in Slovakia. The decision was also "welcomed" by the S&D Group in the European Parliament. The step was taken following Fico’s clear divergence from the values of the PES family and the announcement of a governing coalition between both parties and a radical right-wing party," the party says. The PES Presidency has decided to suspend the membership of the Slovak parties Smer-Sd and Hlas-SD.

The Presidency of the Party of European Socialists has decided to suspend the membership of the Slovak parties Smer-Sd and Hlas-SD. The Smer party is led by Robert Fico, winner of the last elections in Slovakia. (ANSA)

The Presidency of the Party of European Socialists has decided to suspend the membership of the Slovak parties Smer-Sd and Hlas-SD. The Smer party is led by Robert Fico, winner of the last elections in Slovakia.
"This step was taken following Fico's clear divergence from the values of the PES family and the announcement of a governing coalition between both parties and a radical right-wing party," the PES explains. The decision was also "welcomed" by the S&D Group in the European Parliament.

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Source: ansa

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