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France: Darmanin bans pro-Palestinian demonstrations - Last hour


Highlights: France: Darmanin bans pro-Palestinian demonstrations - Last hour. Interior Minister French Gérald DarmanIn ordered a ban on pro- Palestinian demonstrations in France and the arrest of organizers and "troublemakers who disturb public order" In a telegram to the prefects and revealed by AFP,Darmanin calls for a ban because they can generate disturbances of public order. The arrests will have to concern, in particular, "the organizers" and the "t Troublemakers disturbing public order".

Interior Minister French Gérald Darmanin ordered a ban on pro-Palestinian demonstrations in France and the arrest of organizers and "troublemakers who disturb public order." (ANSA)

Interior Minister French, Gérald Darmanin, ordered a ban on pro-Palestinian demonstrations in France and the arrest of organizers and "troublemakers who disturb public order." In a telegram to the prefects and revealed by AFP, Darmanin calls for a ban on "pro-Palestinian demonstrations because they can generate disturbances of public order". For Darmanin, "the organization of these prohibited demonstrations will have to trigger judicial stoppages against offenders. The arrests will have to concern, in particular, "the organizers" and the "troublemakers disturbing public order".

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Source: ansa

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