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Herzog responds to press on 'collective punishment' in Gaza - Last hour


Highlights: Herzog responds to press on 'collective punishment' in Gaza - Last hour. "Haven't you seen (the carnage in southern Israel)? You've all seen it. So now let's start with the war crimes rhetoric. But really?" Herzog angrily replied to another question from Britain's Channel 4's Matt Frei. "With all due respect, if you have a missile in your damn kitchen and you want to shoot it at me, can I defend myself? This is the situation"

Moments of tension between President Isaac Herzog and some international media during a press conference. (ANSA)

Moments of tension between President Isaac Herzog and some international media during a press conference. To a CNN question about Israel's "collective punishment" of Gaza's population as a "war crime," Herzog replied, "Haven't you seen (the carnage in southern Israel)? You've all seen it. So now let's start with the war crimes rhetoric. But really?" To another question from Britain's Channel 4's Matt Frei that Israel seems to hold "the people of Gaza responsible for Hamas," the normally sleeous Herzog angrily replied "with all due respect, if you have a missile in your damn kitchen and you want to shoot it at me, can I defend myself? This is the situation."

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Source: ansa

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