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Istat, in Italy -3 million young people since 2002, -28% in the South - Last hour


Highlights: Istat, in Italy -3 million young people since 2002, -28% in the South. In 2023 in Italy there are about 10 million 200 thousand young people aged 18-34 years; since 2002 the loss is over 3 million (-23.2%). Italy is the EU country with the lowest incidence of 18- 34 year olds on the population (in 2021 17.5%; EU average 19.6%). The South shows a net loss of young people despite there being more than in the North.

In 2023 in Italy there are about 10 million 200 thousand young people aged 18-34 years; since 2002 the loss is over 3 million (-23.2%). Italy is the EU country with the lowest incidence of 18-34 year olds on the population (in 2021 17.5%; EU average 19.6%). (ANSA)

In 2023 in Italy there are about 10 million 200 thousand young people aged 18-34 years; since 2002 the loss is over 3 million (-23.2%). Italy is the EU country with the lowest incidence of 18-34 year olds on the population (in 2021 17.5%; EU average 19.6%). The South shows a net loss of young people despite there being more than in the North: the share of those aged between 18 and 34 is higher in the South (18.6%) than in the Centre-North (16.9%), but the decline is very severe (-28% since 2002). It emerges from the Istat report 'The young people of the South'.

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Source: ansa

All life articles on 2023-10-12

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