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Macron, 'Israel's response is strong and fair' - Last hour


Highlights: Macron, 'Israel's response is strong and fair' - Last hour. In his live televised address to the French from the Elysée, President Emmanuel Macron said that Israel, "in the face of the most tragic attack in its history," must give a "strong and just" response. Strong - he added - because it is right". (ANSA) The president then warned those who do not absolutely condemn Hamas attacks: "inThe face of terrorism - he said - one must never say 'yes.. but...'"

In his live televised address to the French from the Elysée, President Emmanuel Macron said that Israel, "in the face of the most tragic attack in its history," must give a "strong and just" response. Strong - he added - because it is right". (ANSA)

In his live televised address to the French from the Elysée, President Emmanuel Macron said that Israel, "faced with the most tragic attack in its history," must give a "strong and just" response. Strong - he added - because it is right".
The president then warned those who do not absolutely condemn Hamas attacks: "in the face of terrorism - he said - one must never say 'yes .. but...'"

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Source: ansa

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