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October 13 strike: a risky return to the demo for the unions


Highlights: October 13 strike: a risky return to the demo for the unions. At the call of a united inter-union union, the French are invited to come and pound the pavement on the slogan "against austerity, for wages and gender equality" More than 200 mobilizations are planned throughout France, says Sophie Binet, General Secretary of the CGT. This is two or three per department, which will make it possible to...This article is for subscribers only. You still have 84% to discover.

DECRYPTION - In the run-up to the social conference, the unions are replaying the balance of power with the government.

In times of confrontation, any ally is a good one, even the most unexpected. In its fight for higher wages, the CGT has found one in the person of the conversational software ChatGPT. "When we ask him where the rise in prices comes from, he replies that it is due to the rise in profits," said Sophie Binet, the leader of the radical trade union. A claim that Le Figaro has not been able to confirm about the software.

Regardless, the anecdote illustrates the race for arguments that the unions and the executive have been waging for several weeks on the issue of pay. A confrontation that will culminate this Friday. At the call of a united inter-union union, the French are invited to come and pound the pavement on the slogan "against austerity, for wages and gender equality".

More than 200 mobilizations are planned throughout France

Sophie Binet, General Secretary of the CGT


More than 200 mobilizations are planned throughout France, says Sophie Binet, this is two or three per department, which will make it possible to...

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Source: lefigaro

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