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Tajani tomorrow in Israel, then he will go to Jordan - News


Highlights: Tajani will travel to Jordan to discuss the crisis in the Middle East. He will be accompanied by the EU Commission President and the European Parliament President. He is expected to be in Jordan for a few days before returning to the UK. He says he will be in contact with the European Commission and the British government about the crisis. The EU Commission is investigating the situation in the region. The European Parliament is also looking into the situation. The British government is concerned about the impact of the crisis on its own citizens.

Even von der Leyen and Metsola in Israel, write the Israeli media, is waiting for official confirmation (ANSA)

"Tomorrow I will be in Israel to reiterate our closeness to a people wounded by the violence of Hamas terrorism. Then I'll go to Jordan." Antonio Tajani writes on X.

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Chamber President Roberta Metsola will also travel to Israel. This is what we read in the Israeli media. Asked about it, sources of the European executive and the European Parliament explained that they could not yet confirm the news officially.

Prime Minister "Giorgia Meloni, continues to keep in close contact with the main heads of state and government of the allied nations and with the leaders of the countries most affected by the deep crisis underway in the Middle East region. Today, the Prime Minister had a telephone conversation with the King of Jordan, Abdallah II Ibn Al Hussein". This was reported in a note from Palazzo Chigi, explaining that the premier "hoped for a rapid decrease in the conflict that must not spread to the rest of the region and the crucial role that Jordan has in this context".

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Source: ansa

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